Tamrin denies he is behind fake news and fake memo

(FMT) – Tamrin Ghafar has denied an allegation that he is the chief supporter of a move to replace Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin with Umno veteran Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.

Responding to a posting by political blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin, the former Batu Berendam MP said while it was true he wanted Muhyiddin to be replaced as prime minister, he was not involved in creating any fake news.

“I strongly deny (the claim) of producing and circulating any fake news,” he said in a statement today.

Recently, supporters of Tengku Razaleigh, better known as Ku Li, had been accused of circulating a fake memorandum on PPBM’s plans as part of a “now or never” campaign to make Tengku Razaleigh the prime minister.

Raja Petra said “Team Ku Li” had launched its campaign with the circulation of the so-called confidential memo purportedly about a PPBM Supreme Council meeting.

However, PPBM secretary-general Hamzah Zainudin said the memo was fake and a police report would be lodged to track down those behind it.

Raja Petra, who named former Umno member Tamrin as the head of the team, claimed that Tamrin had been campaigning for the past 35 years for Tengku Razaleigh to become the prime minister.

He said Tengku Razaleigh’s supporters were “working overtime to try to cause a rift between Umno and PPBM”.

If the two parties could not reconcile their differences before the elections, he said, “then they will need a ‘dark horse’ mutually acceptable to both warring factions. And this dark horse is going to be Ku Li, or at least he hopes so”.

