1+1+1… Azmin tweets cryptic maths

(The Star) – Senior Minister Datuk Seri Azmin Ali’s cryptic “numbers” tweet has gone viral, right after the announcement of Kuala Langat MP Datuk Dr Xavier Jayakumar’s defection from PKR.

“1+1+1+…… and so on. Alhamdulillah. Stay calm,” Azmin wrote in his Twitter account.

The former PKR deputy president – who broke ranks with party president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to form the Perikatan Nasional government last year – was most likely referring to the recent defections of Julau MP Larry Sng, Tebrau MP Steven Choong and the latest being Dr Xavier.

Azmin was said to have been instrumental in getting MPs to defect from his former party during the infamous “Sheraton Move”.

He was also present when Sng and Choong presented their declarations of support to Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin on Feb 27.

In a press statement earlier Saturday, Dr Xavier announced that he was quitting PKR, resigning as both a member and as a party vice-president.

He said he will continue to serve his constituency and support the government as an independent Member of Parliament.

“I am confident that I will fulfil my election promises to the people of Kuala Langat,” he said.

