Muhyiddin says Perikatan here to stay, offers ‘New Deal’ to all Malaysians

(Bernama) – Perikatan Nasional (PN) is offering a New Deal to the rakyat in the belief that it is a political coalition which will carry the country’s aspirations for generations to come, said PN chairman Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

Muhyiddin, who is also the prime minister, said PN wants to administer Malaysia more efficiently, effectively and competently and it also possesses high aspirations to preserve unity among the people of various races and religions.

“Perikatan Nasional is offering a New Deal to all Malaysians and we are here to stay for a long time. We wish to continue feeling the pulse of the rakyat and fulfil their needs in a very caring way.

“We are committed to administering this country with integrity for the sake of safeguarding the well-being and welfare of all the people,” “he said when opening the 49th Gerakan national delegates’ conference virtually here today.

Gerakan adviser Datuk Seri Mah Siew Keong, Gerakan president Datuk Dominic Lau Hoe Chai and deputy president Oh Tong Keong were among those present in person at the opening ceremony at Dewan Wawasan Tun Dr Lim Keng Yaik of Menara PGRM, while others attended virtually.

Muhyiddin said PN’s determination to fulfil the rakyat’s aspiration for a better Malaysia, coupled with the solidarity and unity of the coalition’s component parties would make PN the main choice of the rakyat.

He said PN, which comprises Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu), PAS, Parti Solidariti Tanah Airku (STAR), Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) and Gerakan, could further increase its support among the rakyat by delivering on all its promises and commitments.

PN plays an important role to create political stability and preserve harmony among the various races in a complex society, apart from upholding the principle of good governance and rule of law, said Muhyiddin, who is Bersatu president.

Muhyiddin said that as a coalition, PN is always ready to face the general election.

“Apart from getting our party machinery ready at all levels, we must also strengthen our preparations by learning from our past experiences. We must gain the trust of the rakyat, that we are the government that cares, night and day,” he said.

On Gerakan, who joined PN on February 11 to be its newest member, Muhyiddin said Gerakan’s entry would strengthen PN as a coalition representing various races, religions and regions in the country.

“With the commitment, resoluteness and spirit of camaraderie existing among component parties, I am confident that all the noble efforts of Perikatan Nasional will be realised through the mandate of the rakyat in an election. We will prevail together as one strong coalition. God willing. Insya-Allah,” he added.

“I believe that Gerakan, with its history and vast experience in politics since its establishment in 1968, can be a significant component of PN,” he said.

“These are the basic principles for the establishment of Perikatan Nasional. Therefore, let’s close ranks and strengthen our work until the grassroots level to draw up the best formula to ensure political stability for the country and prosperity for the rakyat.

“We have to stay united across all fronts in order to succeed as one. When we are united and have achieved solid political stability, all initiatives to revive and develop the country’s economy can be implemented more easily,” he added.

