Will heavy fines for SOP violators affect Muhyiddin at polls?

Analysts say the heavier punishments for those who violate health SOPs will likely be included in the opposition’s campaign for the next general election.

(MalaysiaNow) – Analysts have played down the political impact of the stricter laws introduced by the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government in the battle against Covid-19, even as the opposition steps up criticism over recent moves to impose heftier fines on those who breach health SOPs.

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia’s Kartini Aboo Talib in fact believes the heavier fines are needed to ensure the success of the government’s war against the pandemic – the reason given by Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin when he announced the virus emergency earlier this year.

This comes as politicians including Najib Razak and Anwar Ibrahim, two of the most vocal critics of the PN government, take to social media to decry a series of fines slapped on those who violate SOPs, including the newly revised compound of RM10,000.

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