Malaysia’s politics of utter chaos, confusion and inconsistency

We can understand Pakatan Harapan’s frustration. But if Umno is not happy, why did they join the Perikatan Nasional government on 1st March 2020? No one forced Umno to join the government. But they did. And why are they still in the government, which they say is an illegitimate government? That is what is mind-boggling.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Since the 14th general election or GE14 in May 2018, Malaysia’s politics has been one of utter chaos, confusion and inconsistency. As the English would say, “We do not know whether they are coming or going.”

And we are not just talking about Pakatan Harapan but Barisan Nasional as well.

PAS and Bersatu, on the other hand, appear more consistent and organised. They seem to know what they are doing and what they want. Umno, PKR, DAP, and Gerakan, however — and to a certain extent MCA and MIC — seem to be in a daze and are zigzagging all over the place.

In military terms we call it shellshock. That’s what happens when you are stunned due to an extremely loud explosion that you did not expect — such as the collapse of the Barisan Nasional government in May 2018 and the collapse of the Pakatan Harapan government in February 2020.

PAS and Bersatu are cool and calculated. They just keep their mouths shut and do what needs to be done, and most effectively at that, too. The others keep blabbing away and utter total nonsense. They seem to be infected by a serious case of delusion and wishful thinking.

Umno and Pakatan Harapan are not focused any more. They have forgotten the golden rule of FFF — Form Follows Function. In other words, the shape of things (form) must serve the purpose or objective (function), and not the other way around.

In Umno’s and Pakatan Harapan’s case, they are obsessed with form and are totally oblivious to the function. It’s all about the form or shape of the government and not about how that government can serve the rakyat.

In short, Umno and Pakatan Harapan have lost it entirely.

As Deng Xiaoping said, what is important is whether that cat can catch mice, not what colour the cat is. Umno and Pakatan Harapan are obsessed with the colour of the cat and not at all concerned about the reason why you want a cat in the first place.

We need a government for a reason. A government serves a purpose. So, we must question whether the government we have serves that purpose. Umno and Pakatan Harapan do not care whether the government is doing the job it was intended. They are just concerned that it is not they, but someone else, who is the prime minister.

These Umno and Pakatan Harapan people would cut their nose to spite their face, or marah nyamuk bakar kelambu, as the Malays would say. If they cannot have the fruit, then they would rather chop down the tree than allow someone else to eat it. If they cannot become the prime minister, then they are prepared to bring down the entire government.

That was the same thing they did in February 2020. And because of that, the Pakatan Harapan government collapsed and Muhyiddin Yassin ended up as the prime minister or PM8. Now they want to do it again. But what benefit will that be to the rakyat? Nothing! Zilch! Kosong!

We can understand Pakatan Harapan’s frustration. But if Umno is not happy, why did they join the Perikatan Nasional government on 1st March 2020? No one forced Umno to join the government. But they did. And why are they still in the government, which they say is an illegitimate government? That is what is mind-boggling.

