The letters to the Agong are authentic, not fake, say palace sources

In that case, it is true that there are secret negotiations going on between Anwar and certain Umno leaders, which have not been authorised or sanctioned ether by the top Pakatan Harapan leadership or the top Barisan Nasional leadership. And these negotiations are not recent but have been going on since the middle of 2020, long before the October session of Parliament.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

There appears to be many allegations and denials regarding secret negotiations allegedly between Anwar Ibrahim and certain unnamed Umno leaders.

Anwar admits the existence of these negotiations and claims that an understanding has been reached between him and Umno. Yesterday, he called for a press conference to announce he has downgraded his ‘strong, convincing and formidable’ numbers to just ‘adequate’ numbers.

Nevertheless, he still has the numbers, whether ‘strong, convincing and formidable’ or just ‘adequate’, says Anwar.

Today, many Umno leaders as well as Pakatan Harapan leaders have issued statements demonstrating their unhappiness regarding these secret negotiations between Anwar and the thus far unnamed Umno leaders.

I have tried to get clarification from my sources in the palace to find out if they know of any move being made for Umno to form an alliance with Pakatan Harapan to oust Muhyiddin Yassin and his Perikatan Nasional government. (And trust me, I do have sources in the palace, as many Pakatan Harapan leaders can tell you).

And my sources asked me to just look at the two letters that were sent to the palace — one from Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Najib Tun Razak dated 11th October 2020 and the other from Anwar Ibrahim dated 12th October 2020.

The palace said these letters are authentic and are not fake, as Umno claimed last year, and that these letters basically tell the whole story. In fact, Anwar personally handed those two letters to the Agong when he had an audience with His Majesty in October last year (and Zahid confirmed he had signed that letter when Muhyiddin confronted him about it in the presence of the PAS President, Abdul Hadi Awang).

In that case, it is true that there are secret negotiations going on between Anwar and certain Umno leaders, which have not been authorised or sanctioned ether by the top Pakatan Harapan leadership or the top Barisan Nasional leadership. And these negotiations are not recent but have been going on since the middle of 2020, long before the October session of Parliament.

Oh, and it seems PKR’s secretary-general, Saifuddin Nasution Ismail, drafted BOTH letters.
