Anwar the Drama Queen

After Muhyiddin received copies of the letters from the Agong, he confronted Zahid in the presence of PAS President Tok Guru Abdul Hadi Awang and Zahid confessed that he had indeed signed the letter to the Agong. Kantoi! Anwar’s plan had backfired and Zahid and Najib got exposed. The secret deal between Anwar, Zahid and Najib was no longer a secret.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Those who personally know Anwar Ibrahim will know he is just a big Drama Queen who has been playing his drama and mind-games since the 1960s. For 60 years, Anwar has been nothing but a con-artist who plays to the gallery like an entertainer would his or her audience.

Anwar started his political life in the 1960s playing the role of ‘Malay nationalist’ who opposes colonialism. The fact that Malaya had been independent or merdeka from Britain a couple of years before that seems to have escaped Anwar.

Then, in the 1970s, Anwar transformed into an ‘Islamist firebrand’ who wanted to end secularism in Malaysia and turn Malaysia into an Islamic state. He condemned modern Malays such as Umno Malays and called them fasiq. Those who ape the kafir are kafir, screamed Anwar, who dressed in Arab robes and a white skull cap.

In the 1980s, Anwar told his Muslim ummah that he was going to join Umno to save it. Umno needs saving and he was going to join Umno so that he can clean that party — which has deviated from the true Islamic path — from the inside.

Once in Umno, Anwar exchanged his Arab robes and white skull cap for Savile Row suits that cost more than a month’s salary for many people. Anwar discarded his Malay nationalist and Islamist firebrand ideals and adopted capitalism. His running mates were now the Chinese tycoons and corporate leaders who were mainly cronies of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

In short, Mahathir’s friends and cronies were now Anwar’s friends and cronies, or rather shared friends and cronies.

In the 1990s, Anwar decided: why depend on cronies to fund his political ambitions when he can become a millionaire himself and fund his own political activities? So, when Anwar became the Finance Minister in 1991, he followed Tun Daim Zainuddin’s path and did in just two years what took Daim 20 years to achieve.

Two years later, by 1993, Anwar had billions, enough money to oust Tun Ghafar Baba and take over as the new deputy prime minister, an exercise which his friends said cost RM600 million, RM200 million in Sabah alone.

Yes, Anwar did not join Umno to clean it up from the inside, as he said. Instead, he turned money politics into an art form. And after publicly declaring he was not going to challenge Ghafar for the deputy presidency, Anwar secretly bought nominations at RM10 million per division to outgun Ghafar. When Ghafar saw that Anwar’s nominations were overwhelming, Ghafar backed down and allowed Anwar a walkover.

Basically, Anwar drowned Ghafar with money, RM600 million to be exact. Anwar did a Pearl Harbour on Ghafar. He shot Ghafar down as he was still sitting on the runaway and before he could take off.

Hence Anwar cannot claim the moral high ground and scream that his PKR MPs are being bought off. Anwar invented that culture of buying over MPs. Was not ‘16 September’ in 2008 about buying off 30 Barisan Nasional MPs so that Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi could be ousted and Pakatan Rakyat can take over the government?

And Anwar is still doing it till today, last year and this year as well. The only thing is Anwar keeps announcing it while Azmin Ali wisely keeps his mouth shut and silently converts Pakatan Harapan MPs over to Perikatan Nasional. That is called ‘walk softly and carry a big stick’ (ref: ‘Walking Tall’).

Anyway, the MACC has investigated the claim by certain PKR or Pakatan Harapan MPs that they were offered RM10 million to defect, and the MACC said the allegation are false. Nothing of the sort happened. It was all a lie, drama saja. File closed, NFA (no further action), said the MACC today.

So, there you have it. Does Anwar want to make a police report against the MACC or the MACC chief commissioner, Datuk Seri Azam Baki? Or is the MACC telling the truth, which is why Anwar cannot take any action against them for saying that the RM10 million bribe to defect story is fake news?

Yesterday, I wrote, “The Letters To The Agong Are Authentic, Not Fake, Say Palace Sources” (READ THE ARTICLE HERE).

Actually, this deal between Anwar, Najib Tun Razak and Ahmad Zahid Hamidi was supposed to be a secret deal. The deal involved making Anwar the prime minister or PM9 while the criminal cases against Najib, Zahid, Rosmah and all the other Umno leaders and their family members would be dropped.

The two letters — one from Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Najib Tun Razak dated 11th October 2020 and the other from Anwar Ibrahim dated 12th October 2020 — were personally handed over to Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong during Anwar’s audience (mengadap) with His Majesty.

His Majesty told Anwar that since this matter involved the allegation that Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin has lost his majority or no longer has a majority in parliament, then His Majesty was going to send the letters to Muhyiddin.

After Muhyiddin received copies of the letters from the Agong, he confronted Zahid in the presence of PAS President Tok Guru Abdul Hadi Awang, and Zahid confessed that he had indeed signed the letter to the Agong. Kantoi! Anwar’s plan had backfired and Zahid and Najib got exposed. The secret deal between Anwar, Zahid and Najib was no longer a secret.

Anwar then tried to mengadap His Majesty again, this time with Zahid. His Majesty, however, refused to meet Anwar and Zahid. That effectively ended the secret plot to topple Muhyiddin. The cat was out of the bag and Muhyiddin continued as prime minister and was even given royal consent to declare a state of emergency.

Pakatan Harapan and the ANC (Anti-Muhyiddin Campaign) allege that Muhyiddin asked His Majesty the Agong to declare an emergency because he is scared the government is going to fall.

That’s not true. Muhyiddin does not need an emergency to stay in power. If they could oust Muhyiddin it would have happened in October 2020. The fact it could not happen in October 2020 means it cannot happen.

So let Drama Queen Anwar keep shouting, screaming, and alleging all sorts of things. He has been doing this for 60 years since the 1960s anyway. And he will continue to do it even as they lower his coffin into his grave.

