No RM10 million was offered to PKR’s Natrah, says MACC

(The Mole) – The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has found no criminal act after it investigated claims by PKR’s Sekijang MP Natrah Ismail that she was lured to defect.

MACC chief commissioner Datuk Seri Azam Baki was quoted by The Star as saying that a determination of “No Further Action” (NFA) has been issued after the investigation was completed.

He said the investigation papers were handed to the prosecutors who determined that no criminal acts were involved.

“The (investigation) file was submitted to deputy public prosecutors and they had perused it. They came to the conclusion there is no criminal act in this case. It is NFA,” Azam was quoted as saying.

He added that MACC has determined from its investigation that no RM10 million was offered to Natrah.

“I want to make this clear because that (the money) is the main issue. There is no such thing as the money being offered to her,” he said.

It was reported that Johor MACC had recorded the statements of four individuals including Natrah as part of its investigation into the case.

Natrah had on March 4 said she was approached by two individuals with Datuk Seri titles and they tried to entice her to support Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

She lodged a report with the MACC over the matter on March 7.

