Malaysia’s politics of playing the victim

It does not matter how many seats PPBM now has compared to Umno. What matters is Umno won 52 seats while PPBM won only 13, even if the seat count has changed since May 2018. Hence Umno should be the prime minister even if PPBM won the 2018 general election and Umno lost.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

DAP adopts the politics of playing the victim. The DAP Chinese scream about racism, discrimination, persecution, injustice, unfair treatment from the Malays, apartheid against the Chinese, and so on.

DAP fights for a Malaysian Malaysia where everyone is treated equal and there are no special privileges for the Malays, kononnya at the expense of the non-Malays. However, while DAP fights for a Malaysian Malaysia, they also fight for segregated schools — a glaring contradiction.

DAP not only fights for Chinese schools and Chinese language education, they also fight for the right of Christians to use Allah in the Bahasa Malaysia language Bible — knowing that this is a very sensitive issue that can cause racial and religious friction (while they accuse Umno and PAS Malays of being racists).

Yes, it is all about how the Chinese are victims who suffer discrimination in a Malay country, the same as what the Jews suffered in Nazi Germany. But they do not explain how the ‘discriminated’ Chinese are paying 90% of the personal income tax and practically control the economy. Victim indeed.

PKR copied DAP’s politics of playing the victim and now Umno is playing that same game

PKR, too, adopted the same game of playing the victim. In the 1999 general election, PKR did quite well by playing the ‘Black Eye’ or ‘Mata Lebam’ card, suggesting that Anwar Ibrahim is a victim of injustice from the evil Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

In the 2008 and 2013 general elections, Anwar alleged that PKR and Pakatan Rakyat were victims of a fraudulent general election. Anwar said more than 40,000 Bangladeshis were imported to vote in the election and ballot boxes were padded. Pakatan Rakyat actually won the election, claimed Anwar, but Umno and Barisan Nasional cheated them of their right to form the government.

Yes, in the 1999, 2004, 2008 and 2013 general elections, Anwar, PKR, Barisan Alternatif and Pakatan Rakyat were victims of injustice and fraudulent general elections.

Then, in 2018, the opposition finally won the general election, but after just 22 months they were victimised again, and they lost the government. Because of this victimisation, Malaysians were denied their right of a Pakatan Harapan government. Hence Malaysians are now also victims of Muhyiddin Yassin and Perikatan Nasional.

And now Umno has also jumped onto the playing the victim bandwagon.

Umno is a victim of Muhyiddin and PPBM, screams Umno. Umno is being denied the post of Prime Minister, which rightfully belongs to Umno. Umno may have lost the 2018 general election, but Umno won more seats than PPBM in the 2018 general election — 52 parliament seats versus just 13 for PPBM.

It does not matter how many seats PPBM now has compared to Umno. What matters is Umno won 52 seats while PPBM won only 13, even if the seat count has changed since May 2018. Hence Umno should be the prime minister even if PPBM won the 2018 general election and Umno lost.

