PAS is resilient, Umno is brittle

Just wind up Muafakat Nasional and/or Perikatan Nasional (like what DAP did with Pakatan Rakyat) and PAS can quietly — and without grumbling, bitching, whining, moaning, groaning or complaining — go back to being a lone wolf. That is what separates the men from the boys.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The holy book says God created Adam from earth (or mud or dust) while Eve was created from Adam’s rib. That means Eve came from Adam. And that is why women are more resilient than men.

I mean, the most painful thing you can experience is childbirth. Even if men were able to give birth, they would never do so because the pain of carrying that child for months, and the even more pain of giving birth, is beyond what men can endure.

Women, on the other hand, carry the child in their womb with pleasure and endure the extreme pain of giving birth with patience.

I suppose the same can be said about PAS. Umno was created from nothing in 1946. PAS, on the other hand, was created from Umno in 1951. And that is why PAS is resilient while Umno is brittle. PAS can endure extreme pain while Umno has a very low tolerance for pain and will grumble, bitch, whine, moan, groan and complain non-stop.

Umno should be more like PAS and should take the lumps and bumps like men. PAS can take a keris in the belly while Umno will cry and run to mama for every small slap it receives.

When you fall from your horse you get up and ride it again and show the horse who is the master. You do not merajuk, sembelih the horse, and turn it into rendang.

PAS has had leadership crises before, which saw the creation of PAS splinter parties (Berjasa in 1977, Hamim in 1983, and Amanah in 2015). PAS joined Barisan Nasional in 1973 and left again after the 1974 general election without blinking an eye when Umno played them out. PAS has also been practically wiped out when it won only one seat in the 1986 general election.

However, against the backdrop of all these defeats, PAS continued with resilence and patience to bounce back to become a national party of some significance. PAS did not twist and turn in desperation and try to take the short cut to power.

PAS has no problems if it is kicked out from the government before or during GE15. If both Umno and PPBM do not want or do not need PAS, and if they wish to kick PAS out like what DAP did to them in 2015 when they closed down Pakatan Rakyat, PAS has no problems with that.

Just wind up Muafakat Nasional and/or Perikatan Nasional (like what DAP did with Pakatan Rakyat) and PAS can quietly — and without grumbling, bitching, whining, moaning, groaning or complaining — go back to being a lone wolf. That is what separates the men from the boys.

