Mutiny on the Umno Bounty

1. This is certainly a test of leadership mettle for Zahid Hamidi. 15 of the umno ministers and deputy ministers chose to defy the umno President. What is he to do?

2. When umno ministers met Muhyi telling him they were shocked by the anti Bersatu rhetoric they were in fact one leg in Bersatu already.

Sakmongkol AK47

3. Saying that the anti Bersatu rhetoric was orchestrated by Zahid himself and the court cluster clique does not diminish the fact that the action of the Bersatu clique was mutinous.

4. It is their fault not to insist that those facing court charges resign. So now they will have to face the consequences meted out by the court cluster clique. Its just smaller crooks facing the wrath of bigger crooks. Serve them right.

5. If they have held their peace during the umno general assembly it is now not open for them to make nuisance noices. That is akin to the Malay proverb when the house is completed only then the chisel makes noice.

6. Excuse me, wasn’t the resolution for umno ministers and deputy ministers and glc heads to leave Bersatu came from the delegates? A mandate was given to the president and MKT. Per force, they have to implement it to the letter.

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