PAS out of Muafakat if Umno breaks ranks as heard in leaked audio clip, says Hadi

(The Star) – PAS will not work with Umno in Muafakat Nasional if the latter strays from the promises it made as heard in the leaked viral audio clip, says PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang.

He said that after listening to the audio clip many times, he was convinced that the conversation on it is part of a new cooperation for Umno, and PAS does not want to be a part of that.

Abdul Hadi was referring to the recently leaked audio clip, allegedly between Umno president Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and PKR president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, having a friendly conversation about Umno’s future.

“That audio clip is part of a new cooperation (for Umno). The new cooperation has been announced and these are signs of a new arrangement.

“PAS is still with Perikatan Nasional, not this new cooperation. We refuse any such new cooperation (of Umno and PKR).

“We agreed to be part of Muafakat, which not only involved Umno, but also Bersatu and all bumiputra groups, a plural society and Perikatan parties.

“Whether the audio clip is genuine or not, I cannot say, but I evaluated it by listening to it many times to decide its authenticity,” said Abdul Hadi.

The loose cooperation of Muafakat Nasional was founded on the basis of Malay unity and has repeatedly stated that its stand was “No Anwar, No DAP”.

Abdul Hadi, the MP for Marang, said that if the agreed manifesto between PAS and Umno is not followed, then the cooperation is off.

“Whether Ahmad Zahid should resign as Umno president, I will leave it to the Umno members,” Abdul Hadi told the media after a morning lecture on Friday (April 9) at Masjid Rusila in Terengganu, in a post on his official Facebook page.

He also said PAS will begin seat negotiations for the general election with Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia.

“We will only work with Bersatu now as Umno seems to have problems which have to be settled.

“As for Umno leaders who do not want to work with PAS in various states, we will decide later as Umno itself is torn.

“We are in a hurry as we do not know when the general election will be announced,” said Abdul Hadi.

On April 7, an audio clip of a conversation between two voices sounding like Ahmad Zahid and Anwar went viral, discussing the former’s performance at the recent Umno general assembly.

During the conversation on the clip, it was mentioned that an extraordinary Umno supreme council meeting was needed to give the president the mandate to decide on leaving the Perikatan government.

