Report: DAP must merge with other parties, or face a slow death, says Ronnie Liu

One of the best prospects for a united Malaysia would be for DAP to merge with PKR and Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah), Sungai Pelek assemblyman Ronnie Liu said.

(MMO) – In doing so, he said this will lead to the creation of a more representative and larger multi-racial party.

“All three should dissolve and merge into one pluralistic party with a progressive outlook.

“I really hope that one day Pakatan Harapan will be a single, broad-based party instead of a coalition,” Liu said in a Malaysiakini report today.

He said that the party is far from being the Chinese chauvinist entity that it is often perceived to be.

Liu added that he believes in a multi-racial vision and that DAP must evolve from its current position.

“DAP needs an overhaul or it will face a slow death,” he added.

Admitting that in the past, this kind of call had been twisted to imply the destruction of DAP and make it subservient to PKR, Liu said this is not his intention.

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