Whose fault is it when you get HIV or Covid-19?

HIV is highest in Kelantan, or amongst fishermen, not because of Islam or because of the PAS state government’s failure to run the state properly. It is because people do not practice safe sex or use protection. And you get Covid-19 for the same reason that you get HIV — because you are careless and stubborn and you refuse to practice a safe lifestyle.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

I remember ten years ago when they made fun of PAS and Kelantan. Kelantan is supposed to be “Serambi Mekah”, they said, and PAS is supposed to be an Islamic party. Yet Kelantan has the highest number of HIV cases in Malaysia, higher than the national average.

That shows Islam or an Islamic government cannot curb immorality if an “Islamic State” like Kelantan can record the highest number of HIV cases, especially when the cases involving women (not just gay men) is the highest, said the critics.

That was ten years ago in 2010.

HIV is highest in “Islamic State” Kelantan since more than 30 years

I remember another incident back in 1986 or 1987 when the late Sanusi Junid was the Minister of Agriculture. Sanusi gave a talk at a MCOBA function and he said the highest cases of HIV are amongst the fishermen.

That was about 35 years ago. And the majority of these fishermen, said Sanusi, are from “Muslim” states such as Terengganu and Kelantan.

About 35 years ago Sanusi Junid announced that HIV was highest amongst the East Coast Malay fishermen

Hmm…not a very good endorsement of Islam or Islamic states, don’t you think so? The impression we get is Muslims are very immoral people, especially poor Muslims like fishermen (who are at the bottom rung of the economic ladder).

So, what is wrong here?

What is wrong is education and attitude. It is not that Muslims, or poor people such as fishermen, sleep around more than others. It is that they do not understand the dangers of unprotected sex with random partners (made worse that Golok is just a hop away).

When people think that drinking lime-coconut water and gargling with Listerine mouthwash is enough to prevent getting infected with Covid-19, of course the problem becomes worse.

This was the scene in March 2020, the same month the Covid-19 explosion started and when Boris Johnson almost died two weeks later

And Malaysians are stubborn. Even in the UK, in places where the people are stubborn (such as in the universities), the Covid-19 problem is worse.

I know one person who was extremely careful and took all sorts of precautions (he never left home). But then the grandchildren were not. So the grandfather died from Covid-19 because the grandchildren were careless and stubborn.

People do not understand that while they might not die of Covid-19, they may infect others who will. And these people could be your parents and grandparents — as has happened in many cases in Malaysia and the UK (some who I personally know).

UK’s universities continued to party in spite of lockdown (and my grandson, who is in Lancaster, also got Covid-19 last year and still has “Long Covid” until today)

It is very convenient to blame others, or the government, when something happens — rather than take responsibility. You get HIV or Covid-19 or you die in a traffic accident because of what you do, not because of the government.

HIV is highest in Kelantan, or amongst fishermen, not because of Islam or because of the PAS state government’s failure to run the state properly. It is because people do not practice safe sex or use protection. And you get Covid-19 for the same reason that you get HIV — because you are careless and stubborn and you refuse to practice a safe lifestyle.

