The fall of the Pakatan Harapan government began in 1981, not in February 2020

Even an idiot would know Dr Mahathir will never in a million years allow Anwar to take over as prime minister. In 1988, Dr Mahathir killed Umno rather than allow Tengku Razaleigh to take over. And Dr Mahathir will do it again — he will kill Pakatan Harapan rather than allow Anwar to take over.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The narrative from the anti-Perikatan Nasional or anti-Muhyiddin Yassin crowd is that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad betrayed Pakatan Harapan. Some say it was Muhyiddin Yassin who betrayed Pakatan Harapan (and betrayed Mahathir as well).

This is how simple-minded people who think they are masters-of-political-thought would think. Novices in politics always look at things based on herd mentality. If everyone says that is what it is, then that is what it is. They do not have minds of their own to be able to evaluate things and come to an intelligent conclusion.

The truth is, the fall of Pakatan Harapan did not start in February 2020 when Anwar Ibrahim and DAP made their move to oust Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. It did not even start soon after GE14 in May 2018, as revealed by PAS President Abdul Hadi Awang (READ HERE). The fall of Pakatan Harapan started in 1981.

When Dr Mahathir took over as PM4 in 1981, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah tried to persuade Mahathir to allow Anwar Ibrahim to join Umno. Mahathir refused to even consider the idea.

The day they appointed Dr Mahathir PM7 was the beginning of the end for Pakatan Harapan

Then Mahathir found out that Ustaz Fadzil Muhammad Noor was planning to bring Anwar into PAS and eventually let him take over as the party president. Tengku Razaleigh told Dr Mahathir that if this happens then this was going to be a huge problem for Umno.

Dr Mahathir then agreed to let Anwar join Umno so that he can be controlled and so that PAS cannot get him.

In 1991, Tun Daim Zainuddin made way for Anwar to take over as Finance Minister. As Finance Minister, Anwar started giving out “pink forms” to all the Umno warlords. Overnight Anwar created hundreds of millionaires.

Anwar also created the Magnum “Special Draw”. It was later revealed in court that the “Special Draw” money went to Anwar. Anwar accumulated hundreds of millions, which he used to buy off more than half of the 191 Umno divisions.

By 1993, Umno “owned” most of the Umno divisions and warlords. He then forced Tun Ghafar Baba out and took over as Umno’s Deputy President and the Deputy Prime Minister.

In 1994, Anwar plotted the ouster of Umno Youth Leader Rahim Thambi Chik so that Ahmad Zahid Hamidi could take over. Dr Mahathir was very unhappy about the matter, and he told his inner circle that Anwar had crossed the line and needed to be dealt with.

Anwar’s plan was to use Zahid and Umno Youth to force Dr Mahathir to resign.

In 1996, Anwar made his move to oust Dr Mahathir through Umno Youth. When that failed, Anwar tried to use the IMF to oust Dr Mahathir. Dr Mahathir had to reject the IMF’s help during the Asian Financial Crisis or else get kicked out of office.

In 1998, Dr Mahathir struck back and sent Anwar to jail until 2004.

When Dr Mahathir made his move to oust Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak in 2015, he said Ahmad Zahid Hamidi must never be allowed to take over, as that would mean Anwar Ibrahim would be able to control Umno.

Dr Mahathir did not want Zahid because he did not want Anwar. That was all there was to it.

So, when Anwar and DAP agreed for Dr Mahathir to become their prime minister for two years if Pakatan Harapan were to win GE14 (after which Anwar would take over), that more or less guaranteed Pakatan Harapan’s downfall.

Even an idiot would know Dr Mahathir will never in a million years allow Anwar to take over as prime minister. In 1988, Dr Mahathir killed Umno rather than allow Tengku Razaleigh to take over. And Dr Mahathir will do it again — he will kill Pakatan Harapan rather than allow Anwar to take over.

And, in February 2020, when Anwar and DAP made their move to replace Dr Mahathir with Anwar, Dr Mahathir made sure that Pakatan Harapan got kicked out. Pakatan Harapan forgot history, starting from 1981, and that cost them the government.

