DAP’s 1980s “Failed State” campaign now changed to “Kerajaan Gagal” campaign

Yes, Malaysians are being asked to oust what Pakatan Harapan calls a failed government so that Pakatan Harapan can form a new government together with this failed government. That certainly makes a lot of sense and Malaysians just love this type of warped logic.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

You know desperation has set in when they start throwing the kitchen sink at you. That is what happens when they run out of ammunition. They just throw what they can at you, the kitchen sink included.

Over the last week or so, they have been circulating a lot of fake news to strengthen their allegation that the Perikatan Nasional government is “Kerajaan Gagal”. This is basically a campaign borrowed from DAP’s Lim Kit Siang who for 40 years has been saying that Malaysia is a “Failed State”.

DAP says Malaysia is a “Failed State” because of Dr Mahathir, Pakatan Harapan’s prime minister

The fact that for 40 years Malaysia has been growing from strength to strength seems to prove the opposite to Kit Siang’s allegation that Malaysia is a failed state. Kit Siang and DAP argue that one million Malaysians live/work overseas — most of them non-Malays — hence this proves that Malaysia has failed since one million of its citizens have left the country.

Well, 3.5 million foreigners work in Malaysia. But then they will argue that you cannot compare one million Malaysians working overseas to 3.5 million foreigners working in Malaysia because the one million Malaysians are professionals while the 3.5 million foreigners are low-skilled labourers.

Pakatan Harapan will form a unity government with “corrupt” Umno if they do not win enough seats in GE15

That is not quite true. Only some of the one million Malaysians working overseas are professionals. Many are ‘normal’ workers while some even work in restaurants washing plates. And it is normal for professionals from advanced countries in Europe and the US to also work overseas. Millions of Europeans and Americans work overseas. Does that make those countries failed states?

Anyway, 40 years later, Pakatan Harapan is still singing the “Malaysia is a Failed State” mantra. Only now the “Failed State” has been reinvented and repackaged as “Kerajaan Gagal” or “Failed Government”. An old 40-year campaign from the 1980s reinvented and repackaged to suit today’s environment.

In 1994, Kit Siang told Parliament that Pakatan’s PM-in-waiting Anwar Ibrahim should be arrested and jailed

Why, in the first place, did Kit Siang and DAP, since back in the 1980s, allege that Malaysia is a failed state? Well, according to Kit Siang and DAP, Malaysia is a failed state because of the rampant and blatant abuse of power, corruption, and wastage of taxpayers’ money. And the culprit to all this kleptocracy is Umno, Barisan Nasional and the Umno leaders such as Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Tun Daim Zainuddin, Anwar Ibrahim, Najib Tun Razak, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, etc.

Okay, if that is so, why did Kit Siang and DAP choose these “criminals” as Pakatan Harapan’s leaders in 2018? For 40 years Kit Siang and DAP kept saying the country rosak because of them. And then Kit Siang and DAP appointed them as Pakatan Harapan leaders. This is very strange.

Today, they are continuing their 40-year-old “Malaysia is a Failed State” or “Kerajaan Malaysia Kerajaan Gagal” campaign. However, they are secretly negotiating a unity government with Umno in the event Pakatan Harapan does not win enough seats in GE15 to form a government on their own.

Yes, Malaysians are being asked to oust what Pakatan Harapan calls a failed government so that Pakatan Harapan can form a new government together with this failed government. That certainly makes a lot of sense and Malaysians just love this type of warped logic.

