“Kerajaan Gagal” is because of Umno, says Nazri Aziz

Umno should have asked all its people to resign from the Cabinet and the GLCs first, and then launch the “Kerajaan Gagal” campaign. Then Umno would not be blamed for the so-called “Kerajaan Gagal”. As it is, the so-called “failures” are in the ministries and GLCs that Umno is in charge of. In short, Umno has shot itself in its own feet.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The anti-government elements in Umno and Pakatan Harapan are stepping up the “Kerajaan Gagal” campaign. Basically, the failure to combat the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic and the chaotic vaccination exercise are the main issues to “prove” that “kerajaan Malaysia telah gagal”. And now the train crash is being added to the list of “government failures”.

But then, senior minister for security Ismail Sabri Yaakob, health minister Dr Adham Baba, and the minister in charge of the Covid-19 vaccination programme, Khairy Jamaluddin, are all Umno members, said senior Umno leader Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz. Hence Umno is going to be the target of the people’s anger. And Prasarana Malaysia Berhad Chairman Tajuddin Abdul Rahman’s handling of the train crash has added salt to the wounds.

They are all from Umno, says Nazri

Nazri blames Umno President Ahmad Zahid Hamidi for this. Zahid was supposed to ask all the Umno ministers to resign from the Cabinet (plus all the Umno appointees to resign from the GLCs) but he did not.

The problem is, if the Umno ministers and chairmen of GLCs resign now, it would appear like they are running away from the mess they created. The perception would be that Umno messed up, and because the people are angry, Umno is leaving the government so that they do not need to take the blame for the mess.

Umno should have asked all its people to resign from the Cabinet and the GLCs first, and then launch the “Kerajaan Gagal” campaign. Then Umno would not be blamed for the so-called “Kerajaan Gagal”. As it is, the so-called “failures” are in the ministries and GLCs that Umno is in charge of. In short, Umno has shot itself in its own feet.

And even if the Umno appointees resign from the Cabinet and the GLCs now, the damage has already been done and they would just be seen as “running away” from the mess they created. This is a case of damned if you do and damned if you don’t.

