Why should PAS not support Muhyiddin?

That is called survival and pragmatism. Pakatan Harapan wants to wipe PAS out. However, if PAS supports Muhyiddin Yassin or Parti Pribumi Bersatu, Pakatan Harapan can be wiped out instead and PAS will survive.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Over the last couple of months, friends have been asking me whether I support Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin because they have noticed that my articles and videos seem to be pro-Muhyiddin.

I replied, it is more like I am pro-PAS — and have been since 1977-1978 — and since PAS supports Muhyiddin, then I support Muhyiddin as well. This is sort of the PAS culture. The members or supporters are obedient to the party leadership (those who support DAP are now in Parti Amanah).

I have seen nasty comments in the social media disparaging PAS members and supporters who they allege are taksub (obsessed) with their leaders (just like the BossKu or Anwarist people). But this is not about being taksub or obsessed like in a cultist movement. This is about war and about the rules of war.

Soldiers must obey their commander. Yours is not to reason why, yours is to do or die. Hence the PAS members and supporters OBEY their commander-in-chief (in this case Tok Guru Abdul Hadi Awang). It is the rules of war.

“What war?” you may ask.

Chairman Mao said, “Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.” Hence politics and war are the same. The only thing is, one is bloody, and the other is bloodless.

So, most PAS members and supporters consider politics and war as the same. Hence, in both politics and war, the PAS members and supporters obey their commander or commander-in-chief.

Pakatan Harapan and Barisan Nasional people do not understand this basic principle of conduct. They talk about democracy, civil liberties, human rights, freedoms, etc. Those are secular values, not Islamic values. In Islam, the Constitution is the Qur’an, and the laws are Allah’s laws. That is supreme.

PAS is not an Islamic party per se. This is where most people are confused. PAS is a political party that upholds and propagates Allah’s Constitution and Allah’s laws. There is a big difference. People who do not understand this mock PAS about not being Islamic enough.

PAS cannot be “Islam”. Islam is Islam. Nothing else, even PAS, can be Islam. But PAS can uphold and propagate Islamic principles and values. There is a major difference between the two.

So, politics is war, and war is politics. “Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed,” said Mao. Hence PAS is at war. And in war you obey the commander or else you are executed on the battlefield.

And it is a waste of time trying to explain this to Pakatan Harapan and Barisan Nasional people who subscribe to secularism, communism, socialism, capitalism, liberalism, and so on. That would be like throwing pearls to swine.

Okay, back to why PAS supports Muhyiddin (and hence PAS members and supporters also support Muhyiddin).

This comes down to Prophet Muhammad making a treaty with the Jews of Medina when faced with the threat of the Kafir of Mekah. That is called political pragmatism, something PAS leaders are very good at.

PAS DID NOT declare war on Pakatan Harapan. In fact, PAS was part of Pakatan Harapan. It was Pakatan Harapan who declared war on PAS. Pakatan Harapan wanted to wipe out PAS. They said they are going to make sure PAS wins ZERO seats in the general election.

Then Pakatan Harapan broke up after just 22 months in government. And this was the opportunity for PAS to make sure that Pakatan Harapan will not succeed in its promise to wipe PAS out and make sure that PAS wins ZERO seats in the general election.

That is called survival and pragmatism. Pakatan Harapan wants to wipe PAS out. However, if PAS supports Muhyiddin Yassin or Parti Pribumi Bersatu, Pakatan Harapan can be wiped out instead and PAS will survive.

Now tell me, what is so wrong with that? Is PAS not clever in finding a way to survive the attacks from Pakatan Harapan? Pakatan Harapan wants to kill PAS. Bersatu is the enemy of Pakatan Harapan. So, if PAS teams up with Bersatu, Pakatan Harapan will be neutralised and can no longer execute its plan of killing PAS.

“What about Umno?” you may ask. Umno? Umno is a big boy and can decides on its own what to do. Pakatan Harapan also wants to kill Umno. In fact, Pakatan Harapan already killed Umno in GE14. So, Umno must decide whether its future lies with Pakatan Harapan or with Perikatan Nasional. But Umno must decide using its head, not guided by its ego.


