The rakyat will turn against Anwar within less than a year of him becoming PM9

Anwar will not be able to meet even 10% of the rakyat’s expectations. And they will turn against him within less than a year of him becoming PM9. What happened to Mahathir in February 2020 will happen to Anwar. Only this time it will not take 22 months. That is the reality, which children like Akmal do not understand because he is not in touch with reality.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

(Malay Mail Online) – The proposal by certain quarters to nominate an individual other than PKR president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as the prime ministerial candidate for the opposition, is deemed as just an attempt to split Pakatan Harapan (PH), according to PKR Youth wing Angkatan Muda Keadilan (AMK).

AMK head Akmal Nasrullah Mohd Nasir (pic above) said suspicious actions such as ‘one hand shaking hands and the other hand holding a knife’ must be avoided in the opposition coalition, made up of PKR, DAP and Amanah.

This Member of Parliament for Johor Bharu does not seem to know how politics should be played. Does he really think the opposition loves Anwar? They only love him as far as he is useful in toppling the government. They will even choose Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad if he can help topple the government. If fact, they did choose him in 2018.

But when Mahathir had outlived his usefulness, they tried to get rid of him. And that caused the collapse of the Pakatan Harapan government in February 2020. They tried to hijack the plane and Mahathir chose to crash the plane instead of allowing them to take over. It was a case of if I cannot have it, then no one is going to get it, especially not Anwar.

When Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi a.k.a. Pak Lah took over as PM in November 2003, he did not want Najib Tun Razak as his number two. He wanted Muhyiddin Yassin. It was Mahathir who wanted Najib, and in the end Mahathir won.

If not because of Mahathir, Muhyiddin and not Najib would have become DPM in 2004

Then the anti-Najib faction in Umno tried to bring him down in 2006 so that he would not be able to take over as PM. This anti-Najib faction wanted Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah a.k.a. Ku Li as the successor to Pak Lah. And they tried to use the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder as the leverage.

However, Mahathir wanted Najib as the next PM and not Ku Li. So Najib got the job of PM6, despite the Altantuya albatross around his neck.

So, whether it was Pak Lah or Najib, it was never unanimous. The final outcome was decided by a warlord, in this case Mahathir. It was also Mahathir who decided that Anwar would not become PM8 in March 2020. And because of that Muhyiddin became PM8 instead.

So why does Akmal think that PKR will determine who will become PM and that PM9 is going to be Anwar? PKR on its own does not have the numbers. Even PKR, DAP and Amanah combined do not have the numbers. They will need Umno as well.

Ku Li tried to topple Najib in 2006 but failed

And even if Najib, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and a handful of other Umno leaders may want Anwar as PM9, the rest of Umno do not. And those in Umno who do not want Anwar as PM9 outnumber those who do.

The other issue is, just like in the case of Mahathir when Pakatan Harapan won GE14, they only wanted him to topple the government. Once the government had been toppled, they did not want him anymore.

The same will happen in the case of Anwar. They only want him so that they can topple the government. Once the government has been toppled there will be infighting and plotting in the new government. And this is because Anwar will not make a good PM. He will mess things up and within just one year the rakyat are going to get upset with the new government.

Anwar cannot run the ministries he was given when he was in the government. He messed up the Ministries of Agriculture, Education and Finance. Even Lim Kit Siang demanded Anwar’s resignation in 1993. And Karpal Singh whacked Anwar good and proper in 1998. In short, DAP did not think much of Anwar and considered him a joke.

Mahathir would rather see the opposition fail than see Anwar become PM9

Even if Umno agrees for Anwar to be appointed PM9, within a year public opinion will turn. What happened to Najib in 2018, what happened to Mahathir in 2020, and what is happening to Muhyiddin today, will also happen to Anwar before he can celebrate his first anniversary as PM9.

The rakyat want zero taxes and everything free. They want to get paid a minimum wage of RM2,500 a month, tax free. They want 100% employment. They want cheap housing and cheap cars. They want cheap petrol and diesel. In short, they want to live in utopia or Shangri-La.

And Anwar will not be able to deliver this. Even if Anwar can get at least 112 MPs to pass a vote of no confidence against Muhyiddin in August, and Anwar takes over as PM9, he cannot solve the Covid-19 problem. In fact, many countries are expecting another wave to hit them. And Malaysia will hence face the same problem.

Anwar will not be able to meet even 10% of the rakyat’s expectations. And they will turn against him within less than a year of him becoming PM9. What happened to Mahathir in February 2020 will happen to Anwar. Only this time it will not take 22 months. That is the reality, which children like Akmal do not understand because he is not in touch with reality.

