An opposition coalition only if Anwar Ibrahim is made PM9

In other words, any deal with his “previous enemies” is conditional upon the promise that they agree, if Pakatan Harapan, plus any new partners in the coalition who were once enemies, wins GE15, then Anwar must be made the prime minister or PM9.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Anwar Ibrahim loves doing this. He loves to speak in code and issue vague statements, or what can be called a cryptic message. And he always gives his “commitment” followed by a “but”.

Anything followed by a “but” means you can ignore what is said before the “but”. For example: I think you are very qualified for the job, but…that means you are not qualified lah.

When Anwar said “he is willing to work with anyone, including previous enemies, but with conditions”, that means he is NOT willing to work with anyone, including previous enemies, unless it is on HIS terms. In short, my way, or no way.

And what are those terms or conditions?

“But with the condition to learn from past mistakes, and any promises made should not be allowed to be broken,” said Anwar.

Okay, what were the “mistakes” made and what were the “promises” that were broken?

To turn Malaysia into a liberal society by legalising the LGBT lifestyle? To abolish toll charges for all highways all over Malaysia? To legislate the minimum wage and set it to RM2,000 a month? To reduce unemployment to zero? To clean up the corrupt police force? To set the limit for the Prime Minister, Menteri Besar and Chief Minister to two terms? To abolish the New Economic Policy? To remove the “race” and “religion” labels from all documents such as birth certificates and identity cards?

There are many more promises which Pakatan Harapan made to the voters, not only during GE14 in 2018 but since the Reformasi movement started in 1998 — 23 years of promises. So which ones are Anwar talking about?

Actually, none of the above.

Anwar was responding to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, not to the promises made since the Reformasi movement was launched 23 years ago in 1998. Anwar said he had been duped by Mahathir in the succession plan during the PH era.

In other words, any deal with his “previous enemies” is conditional upon the promise that they agree, if Pakatan Harapan, plus any new partners in the coalition who were once enemies, wins GE15, then Anwar must be made the prime minister or PM9.

This is not about “saving” Malaysia. This is not about replacing the so-called “Kerajaan Gagal”. This is about making Anwar the Prime Minister of Malaysia. That is the “New Deal” which Anwar is offering Malaysia.


(FMT) – Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim today said he is willing to work with anyone, including previous enemies, but with conditions.

“We have worked with these enemies before. But with the condition to learn from past mistakes.

“And any promises made should not be allowed to be broken,” he said in his special message through Facebook Live today.

This comes after Dr Mahathir Mohamad said last week that his party, Pejuang, will not work with Perikatan Nasional or Pakatan Harapan in the coming general election. This is to avoid being hampered by any baggage carried over from these coalitions.

Anwar had previously claimed that he was duped by Mahathir in the succession plan during the PH era.

Today, Anwar said he was ready to work with anyone who wanted “to be good to us”.

He also told party delegates and members to cultivate close ties with DAP and Amanah. “Don’t allow small differences or opinions to divide us.”

He said any differences should be discussed and no one should force another.

“We must learn from our previous experiences with betrayals.”

He said teamwork was needed to ensure the country is run well as the rakyat are suffering.

Yesterday, a “dump Mahathir” chorus echoed again during the PKR Youth assembly held online.

This was one of the motions passed at the end of the assembly yesterday, together with the call to Pakatan Harapan to enter the next general election (GE15) with Anwar as the prime ministerial candidate.

