Anwar has been saying the same thing for 40 years since 1981

Yeah, right, and when Khalid Ibrahim refused to use RM100 million of the Selangor State Government’s money to finance PKR, they kicked him out and tried to install Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail as the new Menteri Besar. Good governance, reject corruption and abuse of power, konon. Auta nombor satu!


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Free Malaysia Today’s news report (READ BELOW) shows that Anwar Ibrahim has absolutely no shame. I am not talking about his sex video with the China Doll or the many scandals with boys and young men. I am talking about his 40-year-old song-and-dance, which he is still repeating until today.

When Anwar abandoned PAS in 1981 to join Umno (Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad finally reluctantly agreed to allow Anwar to Umno in 1982) he said the same things he is saying today. But when he was the government from 1982 to 1998 (and Finance Minister from 1991 and Deputy Prime Minister from 1993) he did nothing. What he said in 1981 and what he is saying 40 years later until today was never done.

In essence, Anwar is all talk but no action. He loves bombastic words and chic sound bites. He is also in love with himself and he loves the sound of his own voice. At the end of the day, though, Anwar is a fake of the highest degree.

Okay, what does Anwar mean when he says, “systematic change”, and that “PKR must do all that it can to bring about systemic change”? Has he explained what that means? Why no details but just empty words?

Anwar then says, “politics should not be an elite game to wrestle power.” Where in heaven’s name did Anwar study Political Philosophy and Political Science? I studied BOTH Political Philosophy and Politics in Oxford University and our lecturers teach us that politics is about the pursuit of power and nothing else.

Maybe Anwar studied politics in Yayasan Anda, which is why he is a failure because Yayasan Anda is for school dropouts.

“We must seek to represent the people’s aspirations, otherwise we are no different from the traitors,” Anwar added. What precisely are these “people’s aspirations” and which “traitors” is he talking about and what have they done to be labelled “traitors”? Details please!

Anwar then said PKR must return to the principle of good governance and that it must continue to reject corruption and any abuse of power.

Yeah, right, and when Khalid Ibrahim refused to use RM100 million of the Selangor State Government’s money to finance PKR, they kicked him out and tried to install Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail as the new Menteri Besar. Good governance, reject corruption and abuse of power, konon. Auta nombor satu!

How do you know when Anwar is lying? When he opens his mouth.


PKR must fight to bring about systemic change, says Anwar

(FMT) – PKR must do all that it can to bring about systemic change, says party president Anwar Ibrahim.

Taking a swipe at the Perikatan Nasional administration during his speech at the party’s 15th national congress today, Anwar reminded all delegates that politics should not be an elite game to wrestle power.

“We must seek to represent the people’s aspirations, otherwise we are no different from the traitors,” he told the congress, held online.

Anwar also said the party must return to the principle of good governance, adding that it must continue to reject corruption and any abuse of power.

