Umno’s strange love-hate relationship with Perikatan Nasional

Umno says PPBM or Perikatan Nasional is treating them badly and unfairly. And because of that they are trying to undermine the government so that it can be brought down and replaced with Pakatan Harapan with Anwar Ibrahim as the new Prime Minister. Is this meant to make Perikatan Nasional look bad? Because it is Umno that looks bad for not being man enough to walk away from Perikatan Nasional with honour and dignity.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Last year, when Dominic Cummings no longer agreed with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, he left the government and is now one of the government’s biggest critics.

In 2010, when I no longer agreed with Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, I left Pakatan Rakyat (before it became Pakatan Harapan) and am now a fierce critic of the opposition.

Yes, it is now more than 10 years since I abandoned Anwar and Pakatan Rakyat. In fact, I left Pakatan Rakyat, not Pakatan Harapan. I never supported Pakatan Harapan from the day it was formed on 22nd September 2015 (which is why I cannot understand why they are calling me a traitor since I left five years before Pakatan Harapan was formed).

Anyway, the statements and actions by Umno shows they are no longer supporting the government and are instead with the opposition. And if by 4th July 2021, America’s Independence Day, Parliament is not reconvened, then Umno is out of the government.

According to normal political culture and tradition, Umno is already out of the government. Once you oppose your own party or coalition and threaten it, you can be considered as having broken ranks.

You need to what would be called “toe the party line.” Any act of rebellion or insubordination meant to undermine or sabotage the party is a crime punishable by sacking. If you no longer agree with your party or the party leaders (coalitions included), you normally leave and oppose the party or coalition from the outside.

In essence, Umno is still part of the government in name only, but not in spirit. And every step of the way Umno is undermining the government in their attempt to bring about its downfall. The English word for this is treachery (violation of allegiance or of faith and confidence, treason, backstabbing, betrayal, disloyalty, double-cross, faithlessness, infidelity, perfidy, sell-out, treason, two-timing, unfaithfulness, etc.).

There are no two ways about it: Umno has a strange love-hate relationship with Perikatan Nasional. Malays call this retak menanti belah. But then maybe it is already belah — just that Umno, PAS and PPBM refuse to see it for what it is.

People are very tired of hearing Umno moan and groan non-stop. It is like a husband telling everyone he meets on the street that his wife is a slut — and yet he still stays married to her and goes home to her bed every night. This actually reflects very badly on the husband, not on the wife.

Umno says PPBM or Perikatan Nasional is treating them badly and unfairly. And because of that they are trying to undermine the government so that it can be brought down and replaced with Pakatan Harapan with Anwar Ibrahim as the new Prime Minister. Is this meant to make Perikatan Nasional look bad? Because it is Umno that looks bad for not being man enough to walk away from Perikatan Nasional with honour and dignity.

