Kit Siang, and why is Malaysia a “Failed State” or “Kerajaan Gagal”?

According to the west, Malaysia is a “Failed State”, or Kerajaan Malaysia “Kerajaan Gagal”, because of human trafficking and exploitation of illegal workers. And the people involved in this crime are the Chinese businessmen, who are mainly DAP people. As I said, those who live in glass houses must not throw stones.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Lim Kit Siang, the man who formed Malaysia’s branch of Singapore’s PAP, which they call DAP, should be reminded that those who live in glass houses must not throw stones.

Kit Siang keeps repeating the mantra that Malaysia is a “Failed State”, or in Bahasa, “Kerajaan Gagal”. Let’s analyse the reason why Kit Siang has come to the conclusion that Malaysia is a “Failed State”, or Kerajaan Malaysia “Kerajaan Gagal”.

According to the west, at the top of the list as to why Malaysia is a “Failed State”, or Kerajaan Malaysia “Kerajaan Gagal”, is because of human trafficking.

Yes, according to Interpol, Malaysia is one of the worst countries in the world (though not the ONLY country in the world) that is involved in human trafficking.

Okay, why is Malaysia facing a pandemic in human trafficking, worse than the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic?

The answer is simple. About 44% of Malaysia’s 16-million-strong workforce is foreign labour or foreign workers. And half of these foreign workers are illegal immigrants.

That means there are more than three million illegal labourers or workers in Malaysia. Hence human trafficking is very high because these people need to be smuggled in, and hidden while they are in Malaysia.

Furthermore, other countries (even as far as in the Middle East) use Malaysia as a transit point for human trafficking. For example, other ASEAN countries, or India and China, smuggle people into the Middle East via Malaysia.

Okay, question: who are the main employers of these three million-plus illegal immigrants? These illegal immigrants are employed mainly by the SMIs or SMEs (meaning factories all over Malaysia, in particular in Selangor) — plantations and construction companies included.

Next question: who owns these SMI or SME factories, construction companies, plantations, etc?

I give you one guess. Hint: which race did Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad say pays 90% of the personal income tax? Yes, that is the same race that employs these seven million foreign workers, more than three million who are illegals.

Another matter: these SMI or SME factories, construction companies, plantations, and so on, OPPOSE the government’s effort to impose a reasonable MINIMUM WAGE. They say if the minimum wage is higher (translate that to FAIR MINIMUM WAGE) then Malaysia’s products and services would be uncompetitive, and Malaysia would lose out to other ASEAN countries.

In short, Malaysia (or rather Malaysia’s SMI/SME factories, construction companies, plantations, etc.) is not only involved in human trafficking but is also involved in exploitation of workers. Hence, that is a double sin.

Again, which race is the main owners of these SMI/SME factories, construction companies, plantations, etc?

Incidentally, the main reason why the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic cannot be controlled in places like Selangor is because of these SMI/SME factories that are violating the SOP and are still operating illegally when they should not.

Kit Siang should stop screaming that Malaysia is a “Failed State”, or that Kerajaan Malaysia “Kerajaan Gagal”. What Kit Siang should do instead is summon all the Chinese businessmen, (who, according to DAP, 95% of them support DAP), for a meeting and tell these Chinese businessmen to stop employing illegals (which is the cause of the human trafficking).

According to the west, Malaysia is a “Failed State”, or Kerajaan Malaysia “Kerajaan Gagal”, because of human trafficking and exploitation of illegal workers. And the people involved in this crime are the Chinese businessmen, who are mainly DAP people. As I said, those who live in glass houses must not throw stones.

By the way, the Pakatan Harapan people are saying the Prime Minister is in hospital because he is dying of cancer. Well, look at these photographs of Muhyiddin Yassin working in his office today. Pakatan Harapan tak habis-habis bohong!

