Umno’s plan is to jump out of the plane without a parachute

And this is why they are refusing to reveal “Step 2” of their plot. If they tell us “Step 1” will be to kick Perikatan Nasional out of Putrajaya and oust Muhyiddin Yassin from power, while “step 2” will be to hand over the government to Pakatan Harapan so that Anwar Ibrahim can take over as Prime Minister, people will think these Umno people are crazy. How is that better than the current situation?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The English call this a choice “between the devil and the deep blue sea” syndrome. Malays will say pilihan diantara lanun dan penyamun. The lesser of the two evils. Out of the frying pan into the fire.

Whatever clichés you wish to use, it all boils down to the same thing. You choose either the bad or the worse; it is not a choice between the bad and the good.

And this is the message DAP’s Tony Pua is telling his party — which is the cure is worse than the disease.

Other Umno leaders are saying the same thing. A partnership with Parti Pribumi Bersatu or PPBM may not be ideal, or the best arrangement, but the alternative is far worse. And even more of concern is the question of what is “the alternative”?

At the moment, “the alternative” to PPBM or Perikatan Nasional has been left unstated. It is an unknown commodity. No one is saying what happens after Umno leaves the government and Perikatan Nasional is kicked out of Putrajaya and Muhyiddin Yassin is ousted from power.

Yes, the issue here is: a coup is very possible because the government has a simple or razor-thin majority (or maybe it is even a minority government), but there remains the question of what next? What happens after Perikatan Nasional is kicked out of Putrajaya and Muhyiddin Yassin is ousted from power?

They are not answering this question. They are just telling us what “Step 1” is, but they are not telling us about “Step 2”.

And this is the reason why Najib Tun Razak’s and Ahmad Zahid Hamidi’s plan is seriously flawed. They do not really have a plan. Their only plan is to kick Perikatan Nasional out of Putrajaya and oust Muhyiddin Yassin from power. But they have absolutely no idea what to do after that.

Najib and Zahid are like barking dogs chasing a car. As long as the car keeps moving, the dog will keep barking and will keep chasing it. But once the car stops, the dog will also stop. However, the dog will not know what to do after that. What else can the dog do? Bite the bumper or tyres?

This is why barking dogs that chase moving things get nowhere.

Najib and Zahid need to come clean and reveal what “Step 2” is. Currently, all they are saying is “Step 1” is to kick Perikatan Nasional out of Putrajaya and oust Muhyiddin Yassin from power. And as for “Step 2”, they will leave it to His Majesty the Agong to decide.

But what can or will the Agong do after that? Dissolve Parliament and within 60 days hold GE15?

No, say the plotters. The Covid-19 pandemic is getting worse by the day and holding GE15 will be disastrous. Okay, so if Parliament will not be dissolved to make way for GE15, what will the Agong do?

The plotters have a suggestion for the Agong. Appoint an interim Prime Minister to take over from Muhyiddin and this interim Prime Minister can form a new government.

First of all, there is no provision for an interim Prime Minister in the Federal Constitution of Malaysia. So, are they saying the Agong must push aside the Constitution and act outside the Constitution? Would the Agong not be committing treason?

And who will this unconstitutional interim Prime Minister be, and which party will form the new government?

Of course, they will not reveal that part of the plan yet, but the unconstitutional interim Prime Minister will be Anwar Ibrahim while the new government will be a Pakatan Harapan government in coalition with Umno.

But then Umno will be the junior partner in this new Pakatan Harapan-Umno coalition because the number of Umno seats will be smaller than the number of Pakatan Harapan seats.

And this is why they are refusing to reveal “Step 2” of their plot. If they tell us “Step 1” will be to kick Perikatan Nasional out of Putrajaya and oust Muhyiddin Yassin from power, while “step 2” will be to hand over the government to Pakatan Harapan so that Anwar Ibrahim can take over as Prime Minister, people will think these Umno people are crazy. How is that better than the current situation?

