Try to topple state govt and I’ll dissolve assembly, says Johor ruler

(FMT) – Johor’s Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar has warned that he will not hesitate to dissolve the state assembly if there were any attempts to topple the current state government.

“I will not entertain any political games by assemblymen and risk destabilising my state and government. If that occurs, then I will not hesitate to dissolve the state assembly.

“We don’t need politicians to represent the people if all they think about is themselves and not the interests and welfare of the rakyat,” he said.

Opening the fourth session of the Johor state assembly this morning, Sultan Ibrahim reminded the assemblymen to make full use of the session to discuss and clearly plan how to help the people and rebuild the economy.

He also warned them not to be selfish, adding that there was no need to bring up “unnecessary motions” in the assembly.

“This is not the time to fight (for political power). Rather, this is the time to unite and work together. Don’t look around to see what other politicians are up to, look at yourselves in the mirror instead,” he said.

The sultan’s warning comes after Umno retracted its support for the Perikatan Nasional-led government, with calls for the party’s MPs to quit their ministerial posts as a sign of loyalty.

Noraini Ahmad and Shamsul Anuar Nasarah have since stepped down as higher education minister, and energy and natural resources minister, respectively.

The PN-led Johor government has 29 seats, comprising 14 held by Umno, 12 by Bersatu, two by MIC and one by PAS. The opposition Pakatan Harapan has 27 seats, held by DAP (14), PKR (seven) and Amanah (six).

Johor Umno chief Hasni Mohammad was sworn in as the menteri besar following the Sheraton Move last year, taking over from Bersatu’s Sahruddin Jamal.

Previously, Johor Bersatu deputy chairman Md Nasir Hashim had warned Hasni that his government could collapse any time if Bersatu were to withdraw just two of its assemblymen.
