The monarchy’s importance and relevance has been restored

The restoration of the monarchy’s importance and relevance is seen as a positive development by royalists. In that sense His Majesty the Agong and his brother Rulers in the Conference of Rulers are playing a brilliant strategy in exploiting the ongoing political crisis to their advantage. Malaysians now see they cannot afford to get rid of the Raja-Raja Melayu and turn Malaysia into a republic.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

One of the reasons why I turned against Anwar Ibrahim back in the early 1990s was because of his attacks on the Raja-Raja Melayu. The breaking point was when he confiscated His Highness the Sultan of Kelantan’s car and called His Highness a smuggler.

Anwar was Finance Minister while Kelantan was under PAS. According to Anwar, PAS managed to take over the Kelantan State Assembly in 1990 with the help of the Palace. Hence the reason why Anwar attacked the Sultan.

According to Megat Junid Megat Ayub, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s endgame was to abolish the monarchy and turn Malaysia into a republic. The reason was because Mahathir resented having to share power with the monarchy, said Megat Junid.

The truth is, Mahathir resented sharing power…period…whether with the monarchy, the judiciary or parliament. The fact that all Bills had to first get the consent of His Majesty the Agong, and the State Rulers had a say on the choice of Menteri Besar and EXCO members, did not go down well with Mahathir.

Anyway, after the 1994 constitutional amendments, the Raja-Raja Melayu were practically defanged and were reduced to a mere ceremonial role. As Mahathir said in jest, Malaysia still needs the Raja-Raja Melayu. If not, who is going to dish out the gelaran and bintang every year?

Since the 1990s, no one doubted that the monarchy was living on borrowed time. It may not happen on Mahathir’s watch, but eventually the monarchy would be abolished, and Malaysia would be turned into a republic.

The narrative was: the monarchy was a relic of the feudal past and a total waste of money; billions of ringgits, in fact. The monarchy served no purpose and was more a nuisance when the Raja-Raja Melayu dictated who should be the Menteri Besar and EXCO members. Many a time politicians had to bow to palace demands, and the interference of the palace in politics was disruptive.

Since last year, though, the importance and relevance of the monarchy was restored. What the royalists have been saying these last few decades was proven — in that, during times of political crises and power-struggles, the Istana will be called upon to play a role to restore order.

It was proven last year, and it is being proven again now. In times of a political stalemate, the Raja-Raja Melayu would be the ones politicians turn to. The Raja-Raja Melayu would be called upon to settle political crises.

If Malaysia were to be turned into a republic, political crises would need to be settled on the streets, not in the Istana. The military might even be called upon to play a role. Now, all the politicians need to do is to march to the Istana and beg the Raja-Raja Melayu for assistance.

In the past, the interference of the Raja-Raja Melayu in politics would be frowned upon. The Raja-Raja Melayu would be criticised and would be warned that they are stepping into dangerous territory. The Raja-Raja Melayu would be reminded that they are supposed to play a mere ceremonial role and have no executive powers in government and politics.

However, overnight, that has changed. Now, not only is the interference of the Raja-Raja Melayu in government and politics welcomed, but it is even being touted as the duty of Their Highnesses. His Majesty the Agong is very much instrumental in deciding who becomes prime minister and who gets to form the government.

The restoration of the monarchy’s importance and relevance is seen as a positive development by royalists. In that sense His Majesty the Agong and his brother Rulers in the Conference of Rulers are playing a brilliant strategy in exploiting the ongoing political crisis to their advantage. Malaysians now see they cannot afford to get rid of the Raja-Raja Melayu and turn Malaysia into a republic.

Who is going to win this ongoing power struggle? Will Muhyiddin Yassin remain as prime minister or will Anwar Ibrahim get sworn in as the new prime minister? That really does not matter. What matters is the Istana is being called upon to answer that question. And never mind which way the Istana decides, it will demonstrate that Malaysia cannot afford to abolish the monarchy in favour of a republic. Royalists: 1, Republicans: 0.

