The new power-struggle will begin next week

In the end, the real numbers that matter are not the 111, 112, 113, 114 or 115 MPs who give the PM the “numbers”, but the 15,000 dead Malaysians, 1.7 million Covid-19 victims, and the millions more who find it hard to survive, to pay their bills, and to put food on the table.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong met the leaders of the main political parties yesterday (just the main contenders, not the leaders of all 30 or so political parties in Malaysia).

Today, by or before 9.00am GMT, the 220 members of parliament have to submit the name of their choice of candidate for prime minister or PM9.

This Friday, at 7.30am GMT, the Raja-Raja Melayu will meet to decide who should be sworn in as the new prime minister.

This weekend or early next week, the new prime minister may take his/her oath of office.

The following day, a new power-struggle will emerge to try to oust the new prime minister or PM9. Anwar Ibrahim will phone the members of parliament to offer a deal for the MPs to join him in a plot to oust the new prime minister.

In the first week of September, a vote of no confidence will be attempted in parliament. The new prime minister will need his majority support to be confirmed through a vote of confidence and Anwar will try to get that vote defeated.

By mid-September, a new political crisis will engulf Malaysia and the politicians will, again, go running to Istana Negara to seek the Agong’s involvement and interference in resolving the political crisis and deadlock.

Meanwhile, the total number of deaths due to Covid-19 will push 15,000 and the Covid-19 infection toll will peak to 1.7 million. Malaysians will continue to suffer from the economic fallout due to Covid-19 while 220 “Wakil Rakyat” would argue about who has the numbers.

In the end, the real numbers that matter are not the 111, 112, 113, 114 or 115 MPs who give the PM the “numbers”, but the 15,000 dead Malaysians, 1.7 million Covid-19 victims, and the millions more who find it hard to survive, to pay their bills, and to put food on the table.

