The new Government is His Majesty the Agong’s Government

Today, Pakatan Harapan’s dream has come true. Malaysia no longer has Muhyiddin as the PM. Even more important, Malaysia no longer has a Bersatu-led government, and the Umno-led government is back in power. And an Umno PM is back in Putrajaya with a new Cabinet approved by the Agong.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Since July last year, for more than a year, the Pakatan Harapan leaders led by Anwar Ibrahim have been running to Istana Negara every other month to moan, groan, bitch and grumble to Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

In between those many trips to Istana Negara, various leaders from Pakatan Harapan have been issuing statement after statement regarding what they are not happy about. These Pakatan Harapan leaders even stressed that these are the sentiments of the rakyat and that they are merely speaking on behalf of the rakyat.

No Unity Government, says Anwar Ibrahim

By now, not only the Agong and the Raja Permaisuri Agong but the stable boy and tea lady in Istana are fully aware of what Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Guan Eng, Mat Sabu dan orang-orang yang sewaktu dengannya are unhappy about.

Two Saturdays ago, Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin asked Pakatan Harapan to set aside their differences and come work with the government to form a Unity Government, bipartisan government or Kerajaan Perpaduan with Perikatan Nasional.

Immediately, without further thought, Pakatan Harapan rejected the invitation. There is only one thing they want, the DAP and PKR leaders said, and that one thing is Muhyiddin’s resignation.

Umno must be the Prime Minister, says Zahid Hamidi

So, Muhyiddin did that: he resigned from his job of Prime Minister and handed the matter to the Agong to resolve, also as what Pakatan Harapan wanted (which is, for the Agong to decide what happens next).

Hence everything went as planned. No Unity Government. Muhyiddin resign. Hand the matter to the Agong to decide.

Today, Pakatan Harapan’s dream has come true. Malaysia no longer has Muhyiddin as the PM. Even more important, Malaysia no longer has a Bersatu-led government, and the Umno-led government is back in power. And an Umno PM is back in Putrajaya with a new Cabinet approved by the Agong.

His Majesty’s Government is now in office

Yes, Malaysia now has His Majesty’s government appointed by Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong and led by an Umno Prime Minister, as demanded by Pakatan Harapan on behalf of the rakyat, instead of a silly Unity Government suggested by Muhyiddin and his Bersatu-led government two weeks ago.

Now, no more moaning, groaning, bitching and grumbling. His Majesty the Agong has made his decision, as Pakatan Harapan wanted. And, today, Malaysia has a new Umno-led government with a Perikatan Nasional Cabinet and with no Pakatan Harapan participation.

