Anwar: curse or cure?

Anwar is no longer the cure that helped unite the opposition in 1999. Anwar is now the curse that is dividing the opposition and is bringing the opposition down. Because of Anwar, Umno and PAS managed to unite. Without Anwar, getting Umno and PAS to unite would be like getting the Taliban to officially recognise Israel.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Over the last fortnight, much is being written about Anwar Ibrahim and whether he is the curse or the cure for Pakatan Harapan. Is Anwar an asset or a liability for the opposition? Or is he the albatross around the opposition’s neck that will ensure their doom?

One thing for sure, the longer Anwar stays as Pakatan Harapan’s prime minister-in-waiting, the better for Umno and Perikatan Nasional. Clinging to the post of Pakatan Harapan’s prime minister-in-waiting means Anwar would be denying another more suitable and more viable opposition leader that post.

It would be disastrous if Anwar decides to retire, and a better person takes over as Pakatan Harapan’s new prime minister-in-waiting.

You cannot analyse this situation accurately unless you turn the clock back to when Anwar decided to abandon PAS and join Umno 40 years ago in 1981. Why did Anwar abandon PAS and join Umno 40 years ago in 1981?

What Anwar told his comrades in ABIM was that if he wants to become the prime minister, then it must be through Umno, not through PAS.

Anwar helped unite Umno and PAS

So there you have it, a year before Anwar joined Umno in 1982, he had already positioned himself as the prime minister-in-waiting. That was the only reason he joined Umno, to become the prime minister.

From thereon, everything that Anwar did was to get him closer to the seat of prime minister. Nothing he did was for bangsa, ugama, negara, rakyat or whatever. Nawaitu jawatan perdana menteri.

And this would mean everyone is dispensable and would be collateral damage. Every move was a stepping-stone to Putrajaya.

PAS and DAP hated Anwar. They realised that not only is Anwar a slimeball with no principles, but he is also a dangerous person who allows the end to justify the means. Anwar would talk to the Jews, Palestinians, Talibans and Americans and treat all as friends. There is nothing Anwar would not do to become prime minister.

But when Anwar broke with Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Umno in September 1998, PAS and DAP saw that as an opportunity to split Umno. So they rallied to Anwar’s support and seven months later formed the first opposition coalition in Malaysian history: Barisan Alternatif.

Anwar was useful in 1999 just like Mahathir was useful in 2018

Anwar is clever at playing the Islamist, Republican, Democrat, Liberal, Royalist, Reformist, Modernist, etc., cards all at the same time. Anwar was a chameleon who could be everything to everyone. Hence, he made a very good mascot.

And that was why PAS, DAP, and PRM (with PKR, of course) agreed to propose Anwar as the opposition coalition’s candidate for prime minister-in-waiting in November 1999. Anwar would be able help Barisan Alternatif steal votes from all sides, even from the Talibans and the Communists.

In short, Anwar was not only bisexual but bi-political as well. Anwar has the rare ability of being able to play all sides at the same time. And that was why opposite parties such as PAS, DAP and PRM were able to mutually accept Anwar as their common prime minister-in-waiting.

But that was 23 years ago when Malaysia had only 10 million registered voters and only 250,000 internet users. Today, there are six to seven million more registered voters and 25 million internet users. Yes, 25 million internet users, not just 250,000 like in 1998.

Anwar did not become PM7, PM8, or PM9, and will never become PM10, PM11 or PM12

Malaysia has come a long way over 23 years. Anwar as the opposition mascot for prime minister worked one generation ago. Anwar could play his wayang back in the 1990s and get away with it. Today, all that no longer works.

Anwar is no longer the cure that helped unite the opposition in 1999. Anwar is now the curse that is dividing the opposition and is bringing the opposition down. Because of Anwar, Umno and PAS managed to unite. Without Anwar, getting Umno and PAS to unite would be like getting the Taliban to officially recognise Israel.

Some ask why I no longer support Anwar. Yes, in 1999, supporting Anwar was useful to defeat Umno and Barisan Nasional. In fact, in 2018, supporting Mahathir was also useful to defeat Umno and Barisan Nasional. But Anwar’s usefulness is now history. Today, he is the curse, not the cure.

