Umno MPs unhappy with Muhyiddin as NRC chairman: source

Party members caught off-guard by appointment supposedly done without discussion among party leaders

(The Vibes) – The government’s decision to appoint Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin as chairman of the National Recovery Council has not gone down well with some Umno leaders, including the group of MPs who had withdrawn support for the former prime minister during his time in power.

A party source told The Vibes that a number of lawmakers aligned to president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi were not satisfied with the selection of Muhyiddin, the very individual they forced out of Putrajaya just last month.

The majority who disapproved the appointment felt that Muhyiddin should not have been given the position considering his failure in administering the country in his 17 months in power, particularly with regard to his handling of the Covid-19 pandemic.

It is understood many among Umno were caught off-guard by Muhyiddin’s appointment, with the decision supposedly done without a formal discussion among party leaders.

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