Najib is a better opposition leader than Anwar

No point telling us the previous 11 five-year Malaysia Plans before this have all failed and that this 12th five-year Malaysia Plan is going to fail as well because it is the same as the previous five-year Malaysia Plans. Tell us which parts failed and why they failed.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Najib Tun Razak is proving to be a far better opposition leader than Anwar Ibrahim. What he says makes more sense than Anwar’s “I will focus on the reform agenda and will take the rakyat’s concerns into consideration and will never compromise on corruption, cronyism and abuse of power.”

Najib offers solutions and ideas while Anwar just shouts slogans and tries to impress Malaysians with his vocabulary. In short, Anwar is a medicine seller trying to push his one-elixir-cures-all snake oil.

Some are even saying Najib makes a better opposition leader or a better ‘shadow’ prime minister than prime minister. I am not sure whether that is supposed to be a compliment. It is like some people saying if I am so clever why don’t I contest in the elections.

Hello. That is an insult lah. A wakil rakyat is a servant lah. I am above that. I am a member of royalty. Why the fook would I want to be a servant to a bunch of Malaysians who do not know the difference between the head and the backside of a donkey?

Anyway, the 12th Malaysia Plan or RM Ke-12 has just been tabled in Parliament and there are many negative comments regarding it.

Malaysians do not realise a five-year Malaysia Plan is like a New Year’s Resolution. On 1st January every year, you make a resolution or promises. But then if there is no ‘delivery’, nothing is going to happen.

On 1st January, you promise to stop smoking, stop drinking, exercise at least one hour a day, start dieting, cut down on your sugar, and much more. However, by 1st February you have not done a single thing listed in your New Year’s Resolution.

A five-year Malaysia Plan is the same. This week we are seeing the 12th five-year Malaysia Plan. That means there were 11 five-year Malaysia Plans before this. And it seems all have failed, according to the critics.

Okay, which parts failed and why did they fail? Are they telling us?

No point telling us the previous 11 five-year Malaysia Plans before this have all failed and that this 12th five-year Malaysia Plan is going to fail as well because it is the same as the previous five-year Malaysia Plans. Tell us which parts failed and why they failed.

Di mana gagal dan kenapa gagal? Bagitahulah! Hello, Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, Najib Tun Razak, Mat Sabu, Lokman Noor Adam, Isham Jalil, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. Ceritalah! Di mana gagal dan kenapa gagal?

