Christianity cannot be preached to Muslims

Anyway, whatever country Malaysia is — most likely a hybrid Muslim country since it has both Islamic and Christian (British) laws — the bottom line is, Christians cannot preach Christianity to Muslims. Accept that because opposition is futile. The rule is: leave Muslims alone and do not try to convert them to Christianity.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

(1Media) – Penggubalan Rang Undang-Undang (RUU) Mahkamah Syariah (Bidang Kuasa Jenayah) atau dikenali sebagai RUU 355 serta RUU Kawalan dan Sekatan Pengembangan Agama Bukan Islam (RUU Kawalan) tiada kena-mengena dengan penduduk bukan Islam di Malaysia.

Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri (Hal Ehwal Agama), Senator Idris Ahmad, berkata kedua-dua RUU berkenaan hanya membabitkan umat Islam di Malaysia.

“RUU Kawalan ini adalah sebenarnya ialah sekatan pengembangan doktrin atau kepercayaan agama dalam kalangan orang Islam.

“RUU Kawalan ini bukan bertujuan menyekat kebebasan beragama dari kalangan orang bukan Islam kerana mereka bebas menyebarkan agama mereka di kalangan mereka dan tidak dalam kalangan orang Islam,” katanya ketika menjawab soalan tambahan di sesi jawab lisan di Parlimen hari ini.


Okay, the long and short of it is: Shariah laws (plus the amendments to these laws — such as RUU355) only applies to Muslims and not to non-Muslims. That has always been so for hundreds of years, long before Merdeka in 1957 when non-Muslims were given Malayan citizenship. So, why is DAP still opposing Shariah laws and the amendment to these laws, a.k.a. RUU355?

When the non-Muslims applied for Malayan citizenship in 1957, they knew that Malaya was a Muslim country (and before 1957 Malaya was a Muslim State). So why become citizens of a Muslim country if you cannot accept Islam or the rules and regulations that come with Islam?

In 1957, Malaya — which had become a Federation called Persekutuan Tanah Melayu in 1948 — was changed from a Muslim State to a Parliamentary democracy. But Islam still remained the religion of the Federation and Islamic laws were retained (but only for Muslims and not for non-Muslims).

Non-Muslims accepted Malayan citizenship based on this covenant or agreement. It is like you convert to Islam with a covenant that you must not eat pork, drink liquor, gamble, indulge in extramarital sex and gay relationships, etc. You cannot convert to Islam and make a covenant with God and then announce you reject Islamic laws. Even Christians will tell you it does not work that way.

Malaysia is NOT a secular state. DAP is misleading Malaysians when they say Tunku Abdul Rahman confirmed that Malaysia is a secular state. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad corrected that wrong perception when he announced that Malaysia is not only a Muslim country but a fundamentalist Muslim country.

Anyway, whatever country Malaysia is — most likely a hybrid Muslim country since it has both Islamic and Christian (British) laws — the bottom line is, Christians cannot preach Christianity to Muslims. Accept that because opposition is futile. The rule is: leave Muslims alone and do not try to convert them to Christianity.

The Christians say if you believe in Jesus and accept Jesus, you will be saved and will go to heaven. Muslims without exception believe in Jesus and accept Jesus. Jesus is mentioned more times in the Qur’an than Muhammad is. Jesus is mentioned 25 times by name and another 48 times as a third person, while Muhammad is mentioned only four times in the Qur’an. So Muslims are definitely going to heaven.

