Ismail didn’t give us credit for B50 interest exemption plan, says PH

“Without due recognition, it could affect confidence over the lack of sincerity shown by the government. It is also against the Malaysian Family approach that is based on facts to encourage unity”

(FMT) – Pakatan Harapan has expressed disappointment over Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob’s failure to give it due recognition for one of the policies announced yesterday, which it said was included in the recent memorandum of understanding (MoU).

PH said the government had initially disagreed to give interest exemption on loans taken by the B50 group of low-income earners, but Ismail eventually agreed with its stand.

It was referring to an announcement made by Ismail on a three-month interest exemption for loan repayments to assist B50 borrowers with a gross household income of below RM5,880 a month.

The other facilities offered under the financial resilience and management programme (URUS) include a reduction of instalment payments for up to two years with a lower interest rate.

A statement by PKR’s Anwar Ibrahim, Amanah’s Mohamad Sabu, DAP’s Lim Guan Eng and Upko’s Madius Tangau said the opposition had met the finance minister and top commercial bankers to ensure the policy could be implemented.

“Initially, the bankers were concerned (over the suggestion) but after several discussions, the prime minister agreed with our stand and it was finally implemented,” the statement added.

The PH leaders said the policy was under clause 1.7 of the MoU inked by the government with the coalition on Sept 13.

The four opposition leaders said the announcement yesterday made it sound that the idea came from the government, and the prime minister had failed to give due recognition to them.

“Without due recognition, it could affect confidence over the lack of sincerity shown by the government.

“It is also against the Malaysian Family approach that is based on facts to encourage unity,” the leaders said.

They said the opposition would continue to be the check-and-balance for the government and voice the views of the people to solve problems brought by the health and economic crises.

