Rafizi slams Amanah for wanting to take in ‘frogs’ ahead of Melaka election

(Malaysia Now) – Former Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli today slammed Amanah and its president Mohamad Sabu for wanting to accept a handful of assemblymen who recently withdrew their support for the Melaka chief minister into the coalition ahead of the state polls this month.

In a Facebook post, Rafizi said the same thing had occurred in 2016, when Bersatu was in talks to enter into Pakatan Harapan (PH).

“My colleagues and I who represented PKR in the Presidential Council were firm that Bersatu should only be accepted as an election ally (not a PH component) so that the coalition’s decisions would not be thrown into confusion.

“Those who insisted on having Bersatu as a PH member were the leaders from Amanah and DAP, who said that PKR was weak and divided,” he said.

But eventually, he said, Bersatu had jumped ship, taking with it the touted strategy of the surge of support it was expected to bring.

“Now the same excuse is being given by Amanah leaders, apparently Idris Haron and the others will bring a surge of support in Melaka.”

Idris, a former Melaka chief minister, was among four state assemblymen who withdrew their support for Sulaiman Md Ali last month, leading to the dissolution of the state assembly on Oct 4.

The others were Nor Azman Hassan (Pantai Kundor), Noor Effandi Ahmad (Telok Mas) and Norhizam Hassan Baktee (Pengkalan Batu).

Rafizi said Amanah leaders would crow during PH meetings as each component party had the same votes regardless of size.

“Outside, they are quiet because it is now a practice that PKR will be held accountable,” he added.

“The time has come for the Amanah president and Melaka Amanah chairman to convince PH supporters how the entry of political frogs will provide the numbers needed for PH to win in Melaka.”

