Pakatan Harapan is playing the religion card

Pakatan Harapan is playing up all these religious issues and is attacking PAS for doing nothing about it. Would it not be simpler for Pakatan Harapan to demand that the government totally ban gambling and liquor (wine and beer included)? And if the government does not totally ban gambling and liquor, Pakatan Harapan can attack PAS and call them hypocrites.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Pakatan Harapan seems to be playing the religion card.

It was Amanah that raised the issue regarding Timah Whiskey. Timah means tin, but Amanah said Timah is the name of Prophet Muhammad’s daughter, which is false (Prophet Muhammad had only one daughter and she was not named Timah).

Amanah then whacked PAS, who is part of the Perikatan Nasional government, and accused PAS of being hypocrites and of being insensitive to the feelings of Muslims. Since PAS is part of the government, then PAS is guilty of allowing ‘Timah’ being used as a brand name for a whiskey.

Anwar Ibrahim then brought up the matter of Muslims gambling on slot machines in private clubs all over Malaysia. Anwar then blamed the government for allowing this and since PAS is part of the government then PAS is to be blamed.

But the point is, it was the government of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad that approved these thousands of slot machine licences for private clubs. And while there may be at least 62 registered private clubs, there are thousands of fake private clubs all over Malaysia, even in Sabah and Sarawak.

And the person who approved these thousands of slot machine licences, plus lotteries and ‘special draws’, was the Finance Minister. And many of these licences were approved by Anwar himself when he was the Finance Minister.

So Anwar is the one guilty for this gambling pandemic. Hence why is he attacking PAS for it?

Pakatan Harapan is playing up all these religious issues and is attacking PAS for doing nothing about it. Would it not be simpler for Pakatan Harapan to demand that the government totally ban gambling and liquor (wine and beer included)? And if the government does not totally ban gambling and liquor, Pakatan Harapan can attack PAS and call them hypocrites.

