Melaka polls to see 112 candidates vying for 28 seats

A total of 112 candidates have submitted their nominations for the upcoming Melaka by-election set on Nov 20.

(The Malaysian Reserve) – According to the Election Commission, three major coalition, Barisan Nasional, Pakatan Harapan and Perikatan Nasional will contest in all 28 state seats.

Up to 22 independent candidates will be contesting in the state polls, while Parti Bumiputra Perkasa Malaysia (PUTRA)  and Parti Perikatan India Muslim Nasional (IMAN) will contest five and a single seat respectively.

EC added that three-cornered fights will take place in 11 seats, four cornered in nine seats, five cornered in five seats and six-cornered contests in three seats.

More than 50 percent candidates are below the age of 50.

However, only 16 out of 112 candidates are women candidates.
