Amar Singh Ishar Singh’s RM1.1 billion heist

Hence, Amar Singh can say anything he wants because you cannot disprove or rebut what he says. If he says the cash is only RM116.7 million and not RM160 million, and if he says the total value of cash and valuables seized was RM1.1 billion, you cannot prove he is lying even though 32 million Malaysians know he is lying.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

An astounding RM1.1 billion. That’s the value of all items seized by the Malaysian police from six properties linked to former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak in a raid last month.

At a press conference today, Federal Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) director Commissioner Datuk Seri Amar Singh Ishar Singh revealed that the items seized from the properties in Putrajaya, Pavilion Residences and Jalan Langgak Duta, which included cash in 26 currencies, 12,000 pieces of jewellery, 284 handbags, 423 watches and 234 sunglasses, totalled RM900 million to RM1.1 billion. (READ MORE HERE


One month after the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) raided the homes of Najib Tun Razak and Rosmah Mansor, the Director of the CID, Amar Singh Ishar Singh, held a press conference to announce that RM1.1 billion in cash and valuable had been seized in that raid.

This cash and the money to buy those valuables, totalling altogether RM1.1 billion, were stolen from 1MDB, said our turbaned crime fighter.

This week, the court ruled that there is no evidence to show that the cash plus the money to buy those valuables came from 1MDB. So how did Amar Singh know the RM1.1 billion in cash and valuables came from 1MDB?

He did not know whether the RM1.1 billion was or was not from 1MBD. But he had to help Pakatan Harapan by saying the RM1.1 billion was from 1MDB because this was the narrative Pakatan Harapan told Malaysians from 2015 to 2018 in its plot to oust Umno and Barisan Nasional.

If they did not say the RM1.1 billion was from 1MDB, then Pakatan Harapan would appear like liars. So Amar Singh’s job was to say that RM1.1 billion in cash and valuables came from 1MDB. Then it would make Umno and Barisan Nasional look bad and Pakatan Harapan look good.

But they faced one major problem. First, they seized RM160 million in cash, not RM116.7 million. One month after the seizure, Amar Singh announced that the cash totalled only RM116.7 million, not RM160 million. What happened to the difference of RM43.3 million?

The money actually belonged to Umno. So Umno then sued Amar Singh, PDRM, and the Malaysian government for the return of the RM160 million cash, not just the official figure of RM116.7 million. Umno insisted it was RM116.7 million PLUS RM43.3 million: total RM160 million.


That was when the government decided to grant Amar Singh early retirement. It seems the difference of RM43.3 million was shared out by Amar Singh and various other police officers involved in the RM1.1 billion seizure.

Then came the problem of the figure of RM1.1 billion.

Is the value of the cash and valuables really RM1.1 billion? It seems the real figure is only half that. So, did half a billion of cash and valuables disappear after being seized or is the real figure only half that but inflated to double the real figure just to make Najib, Rosmah and Umno look bad (because RM1.1 billion is a more shocking figure than just a couple of hundred thousand)?

No one knows because when Amar Singh and his officers seized the RM1.1 billion cash and valuables, no official seizure list was prepared.

Amar Singh confirmed he seized RM1.1 billion in cash and valuables from Najib’s and Rosmah’s homes but he cannot prove it

According to the SOP, when the police confiscate or seize anything from your home or office, they need to prepare a detailed and itemised seizure list. The police then sign this seizure list and the list must be countersigned by the owner of that property.

In the case of the RM1.1 billion cash and valuables seized from Najib’s and Rosmah’s homes, this SOP was not followed. No seizure list was prepared and, of course, it was not signed by Najib or Rosmah because there was no list. In fact, Najib and Rosmah were not even home during the raid.

Hence, Amar Singh can say anything he wants because you cannot disprove or rebut what he says. If he says the cash is only RM116.7 million and not RM160 million, and if he says the total value of cash and valuables seized was RM1.1 billion, you cannot prove he is lying even though 32 million Malaysians know he is lying.

And, more importantly, Bank Negara, the trustee of the cash and valuable, has counted the so-called RM1.1 billion over and over again and they cannot even get RM500 million. So what happened to the RM600 million difference? Did Amar Singh lie and the real figure is only RM500 million and not RM1.1 billion, or did RM600 million disappear while under police custody?

