DAP Behind MOU With GRS, Reveals PKR Source

A source close to Sabah PKR’s top leadership has revealed that Sabah DAP is behind the push for the MOU between Sabah PH and GRS.

(Ini Sabah Bah) – This comes just hours after Sabah PH formally submitted a draft proposal to GRS Chairman, Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor.

“Sabah DAP is behind the MOU with GRS. They (DAP) are the ones pushing for it. Not us (PKR).”

When pressed further, the source said that the ‘architecht’ behind the MOU is a DAP State Assemblyman.

“It is one of the DAP YBs. He is responsible of drafting the MOU.”

Apart from the source, an aide to an elected PKR State Assemblyman also confirmed the above.

He also said that the MOU was a directive from DAP’s national leadership.

“From what we heard in some of our meetings, the idea of the MOU came from DAP’s central leadership.”

“We think this is DAP’s way of ‘sucking up’ to UMNO in order to not be constantly villified.”

“The Malays don’t have a problem with PKR. But the Malays have a problem with DAP. So maybe this is DAP’s way of begging UMNO not to flog them.”

“As for the DAP Sabah, they are just listening to their bosses in KL.”

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