Anwar Ibrahim’s “Langkah Paya Rumput”

Anwar was involved in the collapse of the Melaka state government — and that is no secret because he had held many meetings with the four ‘frogs’ before they jumped and brought down the government.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

You have heard of Langkah Kajang, Langkah Port Dickson, and Langkah Sheraton. However, have you heard of Langkah Paya Rumput?

Officially, Pakatan Harapan’s candidate for Melaka Chief Minister — if they win the state election on Saturday — is Adly Zahari.

READ MORE HERE: PH names Adly for Melaka CM 

Unofficially, though, it is Shamsul Iskandar Md. Akin from PKR.

That is why Anwar Ibrahim is going to go down to DUN Paya Rumput these next two days until polling day on Saturday to personally campaign for Shamsul.

There are five candidates contesting in DUN Paya Rumput — Mohamad Hashidi Mohd Zin from PUTRA, Shamsul Iskandar Md Akin from PKR, Muhammad Faris Izwan Mazlan from Bersatu, Rais Yassin from Umno-BN, and one independent candidate.

Anwar must make sure Shamsul wins. If not, PKR cannot be the new Melaka Chief Minister and instead Adly Zahari, DAP’s choice, would be the new CM.

Anwar was told Rais Yassin from Umno-BN will win on Saturday. This is because his father was three times the ADUN of Paya Rumput and he had done a lot for the people there. And the voters still remember that. Plus, Rais Yassin does not have any scandals and ‘baggage’ like Shamsul does.

Shamsul is not a local boy, and even his own PKR is not happy with him contesting in DUN Paya Rumput. Anwar is worried that the PKR machinery might sabotage Shamsul, which will work in the favour of Umno-BN’s Rais Yassin.

DAP knows that Anwar wants Shamsul instead of Adly as the Pakatan Harapan CM. That is why Anwar gave Shamsul the DUN Paya Rumput seat thinking that is a safe seat and one which Shamsul can win hands down.

But it looks like the DUN Paya Rumput seat is not really that safe after all. Hence the reason why Anwar is personally campaigning in Paya Rumput to ensure that his Langkah Paya Rumput to make Shamsul the new Melaka CM succeeds.

Shamsul Iskandar set up a honeytrap for Azmin Ali using his private secretary as the bait

Shamsul was the person behind the Semburit video involving Azmin Ali and Haziq Abdul Aziz. Haziq was Shamsul’s senior private secretary at that time.

READ MORE HERE: I was in bed with minister, confesses man claiming to be in viral sex clip 

Anwar was involved in the collapse of the Melaka state government — and that is no secret because he had held many meetings with the four ‘frogs’ before they jumped and brought down the government.

Anwar was involved in the plot to bring down the Melaka state government

The Health Ministry has warned that the Covid-19 infection figures are going up and they expect a new wave to hit the country next month. This happened after last year’s Sabah election and the Ministry feels the ongoing Melaka election is going to result in the same.

Some say Anwar’s presence in Paya Rumput is going to do more damage than good for Shamsul’s campaign. Many in Melaka condemn Pakatan Harapan for its false promises, forcing Anwar to issue an apology two days ago for Pakatan Harapan’s failure to deliver their 2018 election promises.

The Melaka voters also know that Anwar collaborated with the four ‘frogs’ in the plot to bring down the Melaka state government. Hence, they are going to punish Shamsul, Anwar’s proxy, on Saturday. So, will Rais Yassin end up as the giant-slayer after all?

