Pakatan must embrace unanimity rule to avoid costly election mistakes like accepting ‘political frogs’, says Kit Siang

Pakatan Harapan (PH) must make decisions as a coalition so that it can avoid mistakes such as fielding “political frogs”, which cost it Melaka in the just-ended state election, DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang said today.

(MMO) – The Iskandar Puteri MP stressed that PH must avoid becoming a “hegemony-based coalition”, and should maintain its moral high-ground by having integrity and putting the interests of the public first.

“The coalition mindset can only be developed under the PH coalition and not the hegemony-based coalition of the Barisan Nasional (BN).

“Pakatan Harapan should also accept a unanimity rule for decision-making by its presidential council.

“Such a rule would avoid the PH blunder like accepting ‘political frogs’, which was decisively rejected in the Malacca general election,” he said in a statement.

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