Baik Mahathir dari Anwar

Whether you agree with what Mahathir says or not, he is ‘sharp’ and his words cut right through you. Anwar pusing sini pusing sana and says what he thinks you like to hear — and he never means what he says or says what he means.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The issue is not about who is the best prime minister. All prime ministers are politicians, and all politicians are MudderFookers. Hence there is no such thing as a good prime minister or best prime minister. All prime ministers, being politicians, are bad.

We are talking about who is better, not who is the best. The best is not born yet and will probably never be born (because if he or she is the best, then he or she would never become a politician — and hence would never become prime minister).

And the debate of the day is who is better as Malaysia’s prime minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad or Anwar Ibrahim?

In 1968, Mahathir decided he was going to become Malaysia’s prime minister. Eight (8) years later he became the deputy prime minister and five years after that he became prime minister. Then he came back as prime minister for a second round. And when they tried to oust him, he ousted the government instead.

In 1974, Anwar decided he was going to become Malaysia’s prime minister. Instead, he was arrested and sent to the Kamunting detention camp for organising a demonstration for non-existent or phantom farmers in Kedah who supposedly died of starvation.

Eight (8) years later, Anwar abandoned ABIM and PAS and joined Umno. For the next 39 years Anwar was the prime minister-in-waiting — and most likely will still be waiting to become prime minister until the day he dies.

Yes, Anwar has been harbouring his dream of becoming prime minister, which is Malaysia’s nightmare, for almost 50 years. Meanwhile, Mahathir has become prime minister twice — and maybe even for a third time if Pakatan Harapan wins GE15.

Mahathir has set a world record for being the oldest prime minister. Anwar has set a world record for being the longest prime minister-in-waiting.

Mahathir knows what he is doing. Anwar has no clue of what he is doing.

Whether you agree with what Mahathir says or not, he is ‘sharp’ and his words cut right through you. Anwar pusing sini pusing sana and says what he thinks you like to hear — and he never means what he says or says what he means.

Mahathir is loyal to his people. Anwar sells out his people.

Mahathir is not a bum-bandit or screws other people’s wives, like Anwar.

Yes, baik Mahathir dari Anwar. So DAP is right in backing Mahathir for prime minister instead of Anwar if Pakatan Harapan were to win GE15.

