PAS to unite all Malay parties through Muafakat: party spiritual adviser

The senior cleric opined that if the party’s former comrades in Amanah can be convinced, they should be allowed to join MN.

(The Vibes) – PAS spiritual adviser Datuk Hashim Jasin has underlined the party’s intentions to keep negotiations open between all Malay-based parties so it can consolidate the Muafakat Nasional (MN) pact, which currently comprises the Islamist party and Umno.

Despite the ongoing differences between Umno and Bersatu before, during, and after the recently concluded Melaka polls, Hashim said both parties continue to be friends of PAS.

“PAS is grateful that Umno retained Melaka through BN and the state did not fall to Pakatan Harapan,” Hashim told reporters, here, recently.

Despite PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang’s call to sever ties with Umno during the Melaka election, Hashim justified it, saying that it was merely Hadi’s personal opinion.

Admitting that the strategy to team up with Bersatu through the Perikatan Nasional coalition failed in Melaka, Hashim said PAS remains committed in spearheading the MN pact because Malay-Muslim unity remains an ultimate goal of the party.

The senior cleric opined that if the party’s former comrades in Amanah can be convinced, they should be allowed to join MN.

Hashim also admitted that there are some in PAS who prefer that the party be with Umno rather than Bersatu, but said it is not a pushing factor.

“We are not giving up on the position of both parties and will continue to strengthen the agreement in MN. This is my hope. In fact, it is the same thing that the others want, whether it be the grassroots or all levels of party leadership.

“So any who speak out about exiting MN do not represent the voice of the party as a whole,” he said.

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