Yearly Archives


What DAP is not telling you

For example, if His Highness the Sultan decides Muslim women must wear a tudung in public and no beer/liquor can be sold in Selangor, the State Constitution of Selangor provides for that. And DAP…

DAP, stop that racist song!

In every election, DAP and PH would bring their race-religion incitement politics from Semenanjung to Sarawak. And it is no different this time around. Their propaganda this time is that GPS…

He is heavy and nobody’s bro

Umno, BN and Ismail Sabri are all complicit because they do not have the gumption nor the moral courage to extricate themselves from Najib, though they are very much aware of him and the other…

Still no clue where Jho Low is

Police have yet to establish the whereabouts of Low Taek Jho, Home Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin confirmed in a statement to the Dewan Rakyat today. (NST) - He said that police…

What next for Najib Razak?

In short, Najib’s fate and future depends on who is the prime minister post-GE15, and which party sits in Putrajaya. With the right ‘formula’, even an underaged rape victim can be arrested instead…