Easier for Umno to work with Pakatan than Perikatan

PAS needs to face reality. Instead of continuing to waste time in trying to bring Umno and Bersatu together, they need to spend that time figuring out how to face GE15 on a three-, four-, or five-corner contest as Perikatan Nasional versus Barisan Nasional versus Pakatan Harapan.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The fierce attack on PAS President Abdul Hadi Awang tells it all. The very idea for Umno to work with Parti Pribumi Bersatu or PPBM is so jijik that the very suggestion from Hadi sent many Umno leaders into masuk hantu mode.

PAS and its leaders had better accept the reality that there is no way a coalition or partnership between Umno, PAS and Bersatu will happen. It is either Umno and PAS or PAS and Bersatu. Not Umno, PAS and Bersatu.

This appears to be final and there is no compromise or turning back on the matter. The door has been sealed shut for any possible Umno, PAS and Bersatu coalition or partnership.

Umno has basically gone beyond the point of no return. For Umno to back down now would make Umno look weak. After spitting, Umno cannot now lick back that spit without being mocked and laughed at.

Umno’s dignity or maruah is at stake. This is no longer just about winning the election. It is also about not being seen as a slut or sundal by crawling back to Bersatu to do a deal after what they have said and done these last two year.

PAS needs to face reality. Instead of continuing to waste time in trying to bring Umno and Bersatu together, they need to spend that time figuring out how to face GE15 on a three-, four-, or five-corner contest as Perikatan Nasional versus Barisan Nasional versus Pakatan Harapan.

