Malays are incapable of religious tolerance

So let us first accept that the doctrine of Islam does not allow pluralism (meaning Islam is not the sole and exclusive source of truth) or secularism (meaning that Islam is a private matter and not a state matter). Only Islam is the truth while all others are lies. And Muslims cannot leave Islam and still go to heaven (you will be an outcast, meaning cast out).


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Of late politicians have been talking about multiracial or multicultural politics. This is probably a sign that the next general election or GE15 is around the corner. Hence politicians need to make the right ‘noise’ so that they can win votes from across racial and religious lines.

But the thing is, politicians know that a multiracial or multicultural Malaysia is a fallacy. As they say, before you can cure a problem, you first need to admit you have a problem. If you live in denial and do not accept the reality that you have problem, the problem can never be solved.

It is like when alcoholics insist that they are merely social drinkers and not alcoholics. They will continue drinking and will never be able to kick the bottle. The first step to kicking the habit is to accept the reality that you have a problem with alcohol.

We need to accept this fact and stop living in denial

So let us not deny that Malaysia does not have a racial problem and a serious religious divide, which is getting worse rather than better over the last 65 years since Merdeka. Let’s not pretend that everything is peachy-rosy and honky-dory. It is not. As Lim Kit Siang said, Malaysia is a timebomb, and I would agree wholeheartedly with this observation.

So, step number one: Houston, we have a problem!

What we are depends on how we have been educated (or indoctrinated) and what we have been raised to believe (or brainwashed into believing). We are not born as racists or religious bigots. We are raised and moulded to become racists and religious bigots. And much of what we learn we learn at home from our parents or members of our family.

Islam says a child when first born is like white cloth. What colour it becomes later in life depends on what colour we paint it. Hence, we are the ones who turn that white cloth into red, green, blue, black, or whatever.

In short, the education and upbringing will be what turns a pure child into a racist or religious bigot.

So, can we cure the problem, and how do we do it?

Well, sorry that I have to say this (and many will be very angry with me for saying it) but the religious education which Malays are subjected to is the crux of the problem. The religious education Malays are subjected to turns them into racists and religious bigots.

Malays are taught to believe that Muslims and non-Muslims are not equal (which therefore means Malays and non-Malays are not equal since ‘Malay’ means ‘Muslim’). Muslims are superior and non-Muslims are inferior. Muslims, when they die, will go to heaven (even if they are bad) and non-Muslims (called kafir or infidels) will go to hell when they die (even if they are good — such as Mother Teresa).

If everyone goes to heaven, then why the need to become a Muslim? You can leave Islam and, say, become a Hindu — if Hindus can also go to heaven. But Hindus will not go to heaven. Only Muslims go to heaven. So you need to remain a Muslim and not convert to Hinduism. (To be fair, even Christianity teaches us that the only road to heaven is through Jesus Christ).

When Malays are taught that Muslims are the chosen people, and that it is a privilege to be born or to become a Muslim, and that only Muslims go to heaven, and if you leave Islam and, say, become a Hindu, you will not go to heaven, how can Malays accept that we are all equal and all religions are the same?

We are not all equal and all religions are not the same. Islam is special and above all other religions. Accepting that all religions are the same and that Islam is not special or above all other religions goes against what Malays have been taught since they were in playschool. We have Islam, first class, and all the others, third class.

So let us first accept that the doctrine of Islam does not allow pluralism (meaning Islam is not the sole and exclusive source of truth) or secularism (meaning that Islam is a private matter and not a state matter). Only Islam is the truth while all others are lies. And Muslims cannot leave Islam and still go to heaven (you will be an outcast, meaning cast out).

So how do you combat racism and religious bigotry? And Malay means Islam (when non-Muslims convert to Islam, Malays used to say you ‘masuk Melayu’). So Islam is synonymous with Malay. To leave Islam is as good as no longer being a Malay. And Malays can never accept non-Islamic religions as equal to Islam. Islam is above all other religions and Muslims are above non-Muslims.

Accept that fact and move on — just like how we need to accept Covid-19 as permanently being with us and learn how to live with Covid. It is futile trying to pretend that the Malays can accept all religions as equal or accept non-Muslims as equal to Muslims. We cannot change this like we cannot eradicate Covid. Not unless we ban the teaching of religion (Islam) to innocent children and mould them to become racists and religious bigots.

