Can Guan Eng and Khalid Samad prove they did not steal millions?

Well, using that same “burden of proof rests with the accused” doctrine, Guan Eng and Khalid Samad need to prove that the allegation against them are lies. There would be no smoke if there is no fire. So we need to assume they are guilty of stealing millions unless they can prove otherwise. That is the justice system in Malaysia.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

(FMT) – Lim Guan Eng and Khalid Samad have denied “whistleblower” Twitter account Edisi Siasat’s allegations that they “stole millions” when they were federal ministers for 22 months.

Lim and Khalid, who were the finance and federal territories ministers respectively when Pakatan Harapan was in power, described the claims as “lies” and “slander”. (READ MORE HERE)


MACC’s Azam Baki was asked to prove that the allegation against him is false. In fact, many anti-government people have asked where Azam got the money to buy shares from. Based on his salary alone, there is no way he could play the market. Hence, he must be corrupt or a crook, say the anti-government people.

Yes, Azam must be a crook if he bought shares on the stock market. There is no way he can play the market if he uses just his salary alone. Therefore, he must be corrupt if he can afford to buy shares.

The assumption here is if a Malay is wealthy then he must be a crook. If that Malay is not a crook, then he would be poor. And if a Malay has money, then he needs to prove that the money is not illegal or from ill-gotten gains.

I suppose this is just like the old Malay mindset. In days gone by, Malays would say a Chinese fruit, vegetable or fish seller would 100% cheat you by putting his finger on the timbang to show more weight than what it really is. “Kalau tak tipu, bukan Cina namanya,” say the Malays.

Today, Malaysia no longer uses the dacing, so there is no question of putting your finger on the timbang to cheat the customers. But I suppose you can always fiddle with the scales to achieves the same thing.

The point is Malays, Chinese and Indians have been stereotyping each other for 100 years and will probably continue to do so for another 100 years. Hence a Malay who has money is a crook, and no two ways about it. And if his money is not haram, then he needs to prove it.

Well, using that same “burden of proof rests with the accused” doctrine, Lim Guan Eng and Abdul Khalid Samad need to prove that the allegation against them are lies. There would be no smoke if there is no fire. So we need to assume they are guilty of stealing millions unless they can prove otherwise. That is the justice system in Malaysia.

