The PKR con-game

These BA-PR-PH people are always trying to take Malaysians for a ride. You can dress up in women’s clothes and change your name from Osman to Fatimah, but as long as you do not castrate what is between your legs, once you strip naked you will be seen as a man and not a woman.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

PKR is going to contest the Johor state election using its own party logo and not the Pakatan Harapan coalition logo. This is because Pakatan Harapan is tainted due to the coalition’s poor performance in the 22 months it was the federal government from May 2018 to February 2020, said PKR.

Basically, this is a confession that Pakatan Harapan was a Kerajaan Gagal when it ruled Malaysia for 22 months from 2018 to 2020. Hence PKR does not want to be associated with what can be considered a Kerajaan Gagal.

In essence, this tantamount to a con-game that PKR is pulling off. PKR hopes that by contesting the Johor state election using its own party logo and not the Pakatan Harapan coalition logo, it can distance itself from the Kerajaan Gagal of May 2018 to February 2020.

PKR wants to sanitise itself by contesting the Johor state election under its own party logo and not under the Pakatan Harapan logo

This was the same ploy that they pulled off on 1st April 2008 when they formed Pakatan Rakyat.

In November 1999, PKN, DAP, PAS and PRM formed Barisan Alternatif (after which PKN and PRM merged into PKR). Then, two years later, in 2001, DAP left the coalition. After the March 2008 general election, DAP wanted to re-join the opposition coalition.

However, if DAP re-joined BA, it would lose face. So they formed a new coalition on 1st April 2008 called Pakatan Rakyat (so that it would be seen like DAP formed a new coalition with PAS and PKR instead of DAP re-joining the old coalition that they left in 2001).

The reality is the Pakatan Rakyat coalition, formed in April 2008, was the same PKR-DAP-PAS coalition that used to be called Barisan Alternatif, formed in November 1999. Same thing but just given a different name to give the impression that Barisan Alternatif and Pakatan Rakyat are two different entities.

PKR hopes the Johor voters can be tricked into believing it is not Pakatan Harapan — like a man becomes a woman by just changing names

It was all merely a con-game. Change the name means different entity. The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation is now HSBC. But it is still the same bank. Just like BA became PR and now PH, but still the same coalition.

And now PKR wants to pretend that it is not involved in the 22 months Kerajaan Gagal by contesting the Johor state election under its own party logo and not under the tainted Pakatan Harapan PKR-DAP-Amanah-coalition logo.

These BA-PR-PH people are always trying to take Malaysians for a ride. You can dress up in women’s clothes and change your name from Osman to Fatimah, but as long as you do not castrate what is between your legs, once you strip naked you will be seen as a man and not a woman.

