The oldest profession in the world: politics or prostitution?

But then is there any difference between the two professions? Most politicians are prostitutes, anyway. They will jump into any bed for the right price. And worse of all, they will screw the rakyat for a price — whether it is for cash, kind, power, or position.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

They say prostitution is the oldest professional in the world. I am not too sure of that. I feel maybe politics is the oldest profession in the world. The Book of Genesis relates how God favoured Abel’s sacrifice over Cain’s, so Cain murdered Abel. This was basically politics, both competing for God’s favour.

The same thing happened between Mohamed Azmin Ali and Ezam Mohd Nor, Anwar Ibrahim’s ‘left hand’ and ‘right hand’. Both were competing for the position of Anwar’s blue-eyed boy, and when Anwar favoured Azmin over Ezam, Ezam left PKR and joined Umno (or rather joined Najib Tun Razak in Umno).

But then is there any difference between the two professions? Most politicians are prostitutes, anyway. They will jump into any bed for the right price. And worse of all, they will screw the rakyat for a price — whether it is for cash, kind, power, or position.

The common catch words or phrases for politicians are: berjuang, korban, demi rakyat, kepentingan rakyat, mandat rakyat, demokrasi, serve the people, the people are the boss, freedom, rights, civil liberties, equality, accountability, transparency, good governance, majority say, minority rights, and many more.

If I had received RM1 every time I heard politicians say those words over the last 50 years, by now I would be a millionaire.

Anyway, the Johor state election or PRN Johor is coming soon, and the 56 state assembly seats are up for grabs. There may be 200 candidates or more from probably 15 or so political parties contesting the PRN Johor.

Currently the Johor state assembly is split down the middle and Umno hopes they can repeat the victory in Melaka and win at least two-thirds of the 56 seats, or more. This means Barisan Nasional must win at least 38 of the seats leaving only 18 seats for the opposition. In this case the ‘opposition’ is going to be DAP, PKR, Amanah, PAS, and Bersatu, plus the other NKOTB (‘new kids on the block’ such as Pejuang, Putra, Muda, PBM, etc.)

Over the next few weeks you are going to hear “berjuang, korban, demi rakyat, kepentingan rakyat, mandat rakyat, demokrasi, serve the people, the people are the boss, freedom, rights, civil liberties, equality, accountability, transparency, good governance, majority say, minority rights,” and so on being uttered over and over again. And the voters in Johor are going to vote in 56 prostitutes disguised as servants of the people to screw the 3.8 million citizens of Johor.

