It is Malay voters and not Chinese voters who matter

Well, at least they tried for 22 months and proved that it failed. So you cannot say Malaysians did not try. Now they have no choice but to go back to a Malay-led government. And the Chinese need to return to MCA if they want a voice in the government. If not, the Chinese will be outsiders and will have no representation in Putrajaya.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

In the 2008 general election, 95% of the Chinese voted opposition, and Barisan Nasional did not fall.

In the 2013 general election, 97% of the Chinese voted opposition, and Barisan Nasional did not fall.

In the 2018 general election, 97% of the Chinese voted opposition, and Barisan Nasional fell. How come?

In 2013, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad whacked prime minister Najib Tun Razak and said Najib is wasting his time with the Chinese voters when he should instead be focusing on the Malay voters. Umno is in power because of the Malays, Mahathir said. And never mind what you do for the Chinese, they will never be grateful and will still vote opposition, argued Mahathir.

The Chinese can only shout but will have no voice in Putrajaya if they continue to vote for DAP

No, that is not a racist statement. That is called realpolitik or political reality. Even in America they talk about the Jewish vote, the Irish vote, the Muslim vote, and so on.

DAP knew that the only way to win the general election (after trying unsuccessfully for 50 years) is to get the Malays to vote for you. Even if 100% of the Chinese and Indians vote for you, that is not enough. You need the Malay votes.

And this was why instead of sending Dr Mahathir to jail, like they promised for many years, they made him the prime minister.

The Chinese need MCA to represent them in the government, as DAP can only scream and shout

Barisan Nasional’s future, or the future of whoever wants to form the federal government, is in the hands of the Malays. A Chinese-led government cannot work in Malaysia — like what the Chinese-led Pakatan Harapan government of May 2018-February 2020 proved.

Well, at least they tried for 22 months and proved that it failed. So you cannot say Malaysians did not try. Now they have no choice but to go back to a Malay-led government. And the Chinese need to return to MCA if they want a voice in the government. If not, the Chinese will be outsiders and will have no representation in Putrajaya.

