Stop spending so much on ‘cyber-gangsterism’, Kim Yew tells Najib

(The Vibes) – Three days after a public tiff between two former prime ministers, tycoon Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew reminded Datuk Seri Najib Razak that no one is above the law and to stop spending “huge sums on cybertroopers”.

Lee, who signed off on his statement as “an unqualified crony of Tun Mahathir”, said Najib and those who worked under former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad should meet up with him and put the country’s interests first for once before the elderly politician dies.

“For Najib and those who have worked under Dr Mahathir, whether it was during his 22 years or 22 months, they should stop all the infighting, stop all the unnecessary and costly campaigns, stop spending huge sums on cybertroopers or cyber-gangsterism, and remember that mere popularity on social media does not last long.

“Nobody should be above the law or think he is above the law. Those who are convicted or on bail must behave and give due respect to our judiciary system, the one all of you have sworn an oath to protect.

“Take the opportunity with the recent incident with Tun M, the most elderly Malay leader in the history of the world, to meet up with him, and put the country’s interests first for once, before Tun M dies.

“This is my imagination of the best scenario for a Mahathir 3.0, a united Malay community working closely and sincerely, alongside all the Chinese and Indian communities.”

He also cited “kesopanan dan kesusilaan” (courtesy and morality) – a tenet of the Rukun Negara – which he said will bring benefits, as fighting each other will bring “human disaster”.

“This is a Confucian belief, and is also an Islamic value,” he said.

Lee has previously alleged being a victim of cybertroopers due to his relationship with Dr Mahathir.

The tycoon added that it had been difficult to control his emotions when Dr Mahathir was admitted to the hospital in January.

“Although I was prepared psychologically because he is already so old, it was still difficult to control my emotions after hearing the news. Many felt the same way, with all kinds of mixed feelings.

“Then again, a miracle happened for the 97-year-old man. The whole nation went into a big hoo-ha, with media camped outside the hospital for news, and many leaders sent in their concerns.

“This miracle recovery, is it the willpower of a Pejuang fighter, or did God purposely send him back from a near-death situation to finish his duty and responsibility and to correct his past mistakes for the betterment of Malaysia and all Malaysians? To allow him to finish his vision and mission?”

He floated another Dr Mahathir comeback, saying it was extraordinary for the veteran leader.

“Mahathir 3.0? Will there be a Mahathir 3.0? No one knows, but he returned from a near-death situation when everyone thought he wouldn’t make it or would be bedridden moving forward, but in just less than 30 days he has started chairing meetings for Pejuang, cycled, and even wrote articles on Najib.

“Believe in God? Yes, I do. Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan.”

Dr Mahathir and his successor Najib have been locked in a war of words since the 1Malaysia Development Bhd financial scandal was made public years ago, which later became Najib’s downfall as prime minister, subjecting him to several criminal trials.

Last Sunday, Dr Mahathir penned another statement hitting at his former protégé, saying Najib was nothing like his father, the country’s second prime minister Tun Abdul Razak Hussein.

In his second open letter to Johor voters ahead of next month’s polls, Dr Mahathir drew comparisons between Razak and his son, calling one a nationalist and the other a thief.

He added that his contempt for Najib was not personal, and had only brewed after the latter’s involvement in the 1MDB scandal.

“Foreign newspapers labelled Najib a ‘plundering idiot’, while the appeals court described him as a ‘national embarrassment’.”

It did not take long for Najib to issue a return salvo, alleging that Dr Mahathir pestered him when he was prime minister, to back projects linked to people close to the Pejuang chairman.

“When I rejected them, Tun meroyan (became emotionally unstable) and began efforts to conspire with Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin to topple me in 2014, before 1Malaysia Development Bhd became an issue.”

Najib said this is corroborated by Dr Mahathir’s son, Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir, in a court testimony in July 2017.

While the two are not running for any Johor seats, Najib’s party Umno is looking to regain a strong mandate while Dr Mahathir’s Pejuang is hoping to gain a foothold in politics by fielding political newbies.

Nomination day is on Saturday while polling day is on March 12.

